I just booked myself a 9 day, 8 night vacation on the beach in Maui.
I haven't even left yet and I already feel better.
Two months til paradise...
< insert happy dance >
And yes, I told her that to her face tonight when she signed my copy of her third book.
Go read her books ... NOW! I don't care if you have to drag your ass to whatever skanky ass library your town has. If they don't have copies, beat the purchasing librarian with a copy of Kitchen Confidential from that smug prick Anthony Bourdain until he/she agrees to get you one.
Here's your handy-dandy, convenient checklist to make sure you don't forget to read a single side busting word:
Book One: Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office
Book Two: Bright Lights, Big Ass: A Self-Indulgent, Surly, Ex-Sorority Girl's Guide to Why it Often Sucks in the City, or Who are These Idiots and Why Do They All Live Next Door to Me?
Book Three: Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass LookBig, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer
Well ... since I'm actually going out tomorrow night, there's a chance people might stop by and read what I don't write here. I figure it should probably be some cryptically sad song lyrics. I can't really promise anything will be interesting though...
The biggest updates in my life? I have finally joined the Wii generation. In fact, I was actually able to purchase one two weeks in a row. (yes, I bought two ... no, they weren't both for me ...)
There are only two downsides to having a Wii (and I'm pretty sure there really are only two downsides to owning this gloriously beautiful machine).
First, life seems to understand that you now have a Wii and suddenly creates a list of responsibilities that you feel disproportionately more guilty for neglecting than you did before if you do not complete them before you begin wielding the awesome controller.
Second, you have to come off the money for the games ... F'ing nintendo. (I'm not cheap, I'm frugal!)
Other updates? I seem to have developed some type of kindness parasite. I think it is taking over the decision making sectors of my brain. In fact, I'm finding myself doing good deeds left and right. Making change for a guy on the bus, giving a woman back her glasses that she forgot on the train, freezing in line for and hour and a half for someone else's Wii since I knew she'd never get one ... I'm scared. Maybe we should set up a foundation in the name of finding a cure?
Oh, and I hate quotation marks. They should be banned from all written communication. Air quotes will be allowed to survive ... unless they are misused and the conversational airwaves become overrun with them. In that case, they must die as well.
Thanks T1G ... Nothing like someone wishing you a happy holiday three weeks early (appropriately in anticipation that I might not blog during that time) to remind you that you have forgotten to include your far away friends in your every day life.
Well I definitely got some news on Friday that was worth sharing ...
It wasn't much but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth on this one!
I've finally gotten around to it ... a lovely pic of Miss D and her new hubby from their wedding two weeks ago
As you can see, they are a very cute couple :-)
My blog lapsed ... AGAIN ... but it was for good reason this time ...
I was out of town, in the middle of nowhere, with no where to be but one place...
She was a beautiful bride and her groom was almost as handsome ;-)
I was a dumbass and didn't take a camera but they had a wonderful setting and an even better view. Here's pics from the property's website:
I'm sure (since Miss D is a reader here) that once she's back from her honeymoon and moving escapades that she'll have a pic or two that I can post.
I think it was a special day for the both of us. In fact, I think I made her cry when she saw I was there. I am awful about actually staying in touch and letting people know how much they mean but Miss D has been a good thing in my life for 10 yrs now. In fact, she's the friend I have kept in touch with longest, despite my poor follow through. Her wedding was the only the third time I've seen her since we parted ways (both in tears) 9 summers ago.
I was happy to make her happy on such a special day and to finally let her know, this wasn't meant to be a one-way friendship.
Congrats D!!
The fam is in town ... the part that doesn't turn everything into a major drama and actually knows how to have a good time, that is. We should be out having a good time seeing the city for the next few days.
Unfortunately for you guys (and this blog ) that means another weekend of no posting.
Maybe some pics of the kids when I get back though
A couple of people have been checking in lately to see how I'm doing ...
So sorry to have left you worried, but I have run away and I'm never coming back. Ok, not really ... unfortunately it is only temporary.
I have been enjoying some time in the old stomping grounds ... slipping on the boots again and doing a little dancing, some In N Out, a trip to Sea World, carne asada and the best tortillas on the planet, margaritas at a beachside bar...
Are you sure I have to go back?
Looks like karma hasn't totally quite forgotten me just yet. In fact, I had free Toby Keith tickets fall in my lap this weekend and one kick ass time.
Two years ago, I pushed my entire schedule for the evil, dreaded cross-country move so that my friend and I could go see Toby Keith's Throwdown Tour together in the very amphitheater where we had first met (also a country concert). She and I showed up looking all cute in our gear ... sans beer, sans lighter, sans cigars, sans binoculars ... we were just so excited to see Terri Clark and Toby Keith that everything else just went out the window.
This time, I enlisted the help of another friend of mine and three of us had a good ol' time singing along to Toby's Hookin' Up and Hangin' Out Tour. We remembered warm clothes, money for beer, binoculars (which we didn't use), sandwiches and snacks. We were effin' prepared this time.
Neither of my friends knew who Joe Nichols was though ... until we got there. Once he started playing Brokenheartsville, Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off, and the like ... then they knew who he was.
I'll tell you right now though ... I am not a passive concert goer AT ALL. I am on my feet, shakin my booty, singin the songs, and goin' nuts. It is one of those times when the dancing around the room in my underwear, singing along to the radio, pretending its me on stage … actually gets seen in public. But hell, I'm having a good time ... so what if I look like a total doof in the process.
I will note that I came prepared with my blue bandana to both concerts though ... and when Toby sang about his little Whiskey Girl (blue bandana tied all up in her hair) ... I was right there waiting for him to take me home.
The Princess Palace (I thought I'd try it out ... see how the name sits...) finally has cable. It only took about 10 phone calls since Tuesday to my "friend in the digital age" to get it done and they haven't even finished all the installation yet. But, I've got my stories back and Sheila's gone wireless ... well, abandoned the CAT 5 anyway.
I still haven't managed to find the camera yet, but when I do ... I've got the most amazing sight to show you. Walking by last night, just after dark in the brisk fall air, it was emphatically perfect.
It's official... I am a "homeowner"
As of Friday, the settlement paperwork was signed (no thanks to my hangover...)
As of Saturday, I was having chinese take out and sleeping in the new master bedroom
As of Sunday, I have a welcome mat, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, and hand-me-down furniture
As of Monday, maybe something will be put away ...
I don't have the net set up at the new place yet, but I am still paying rent for the old place so I have net there. Sheila and the beloved desk will migrate over sometime this week.
Coming soon ... PICTURES!!!!
The house is almost entirely packed now.
I spent yesterday taking pictures off the walls. The corkboard is gone, the magnetic white board is gone too. All my princess items are put away. Even the stuffed animals are off their ledge and in a box.
But somehow five things managed to keep their place on the wall a little bit longer.
1. My cowboy hat
2. B&W view of waves crashing in the moonight
3. My beautifully framed diploma from UCSD
4. The Marine Corps Flag
5. The American Flag
I guess that tells you where my priorities are in life.
What do your walls say about you?
My trip up to the bizzare state of Penn went really well. I say bizzare because they don't seem to have heard of so many seemingly normal and useful things ... such as, radio ... toilet seat covers ... or water balloons. WTF? Personally, I blame the Dutch.
The drive was much shorter than anticipated, both coming and going. That didn't stop me from getting antsy, achey, and overall stir crazy (as my CD collection rather blows and someone has failed to send their XM receiver down to me) but still ... better to feel that way for as little time as possible.
Here are pics of the men I went all that way to see:
It was a good time with the extended family. No drama. No death. Lots of laughs. Children playing. Plenty of food I had no business eating (and it was YUMMY!). I just may adopt them as my more immediate family for a while.
**Yes, that is a mohawk he's sportin in the pic ... or as he calls it a "ho-hawk." It was even dyed blue the day I arrived.
I took a page out of the blogosphere's very own Mr. Hospitality's book this weekend and hosted a blogmeet at home.
It was a fantastic turnout. The usual suspects graced my humble abode, I finally got to meet Professor Chaos, Sabre (and her friend), Lysander's other half, and even host a couple tykes.
Of course there was more food than anyone could possibly eat ... cuz duh, feeding people is what I do (wings anyone?) ... plenty of interesting conversation to go around ... the obligatory twat talk that comes with having a gyn as a friend ... and an amazing recitation of Office Space
I think I just might do this again, what do you say guys? I'll even try to plan a surprise guest for the next one.
I wish I could say it ain't my day to care, but I'm not there just yet. Give me a couple more days, hopefully just til mid-day tomorrow, and I'll be set for a while.
I came home to a bunch of last minute fix-its that I should have taken care of before I left, but I put them off. So today is a bit of panic, but I think I have myself organized well enough that the stress is probably unwarranted.
The burial was very brief and very good for all of us. Her casket was perfectly her, elegant and simple, cream with pink accent flowers painted on it. The cemetary was beautiful with flowers decorating nearly every gravemarker as far as you could see. And greatest of all, she is back with her son Kevin that died as a young child.
Times like the past couple of days in rural Indiana are almost enough to make me wish I were even less of a city girl. Friends of hers opened up their home to the entire family and friends they'd never met. We all had supper and dinner together. We had the freshest garden food and desserts only country hands could dream of making. There was a love and tenderness among strangers that I can't say I've felt in any recent memorable past.
It was exactly what her small town soul would have wanted.
In case you haven't noticed yet, there are posts up all over the 'sphere about a very elusive man running lose around the central and southern parts of the country. If you find him, please proceed with caution and do not attempt to approach him alone. He goes by the name of That 1 Guy.
Today is his birthday and he's getting all kinds of party suggestions. Who knows what kind of debauchery you'll get sucked into!
But I'm willing to brave the maddness for the sake of this fellow. So I say head on over, join in the fun, and wish him a happy birthday ... but you might want to take a buddy, just in case things get a little crazy. You know how these biker dudes can be ...
And don't forget to say hello to his girl for me too!
Tonight's dinner was fantastic ... in a way that caught me completely off guard. I mean, fantastic!!
I don't really do recipes per se ... I'll take culinary suggestion from them ... but I was going on the fly with this one. I didn't really know what to expect and I was way outside my comfort zone on this main dish. But I'm telling you, it rocked!
Chicken Sausage w/Leeks
1 package of spiced apple chicken sausage, fresh (about 5 brat-sized sausages)
1 med Vidalia onion, sliced
2 leeks, sliced
1 med granny smith apple, peeled and sliced
1/4 c apple cider vinegar
3/4 c apple cider
1 trusty, handy-dandy cast iron skillet (or whatever it is that you use)
In a couple tablespoons of oil, brown the sausages over medium heat. Remove from the pan. Add onions and leeks, sauté until softened (about 5 mins) Add apples, sauté stirring constantly until soft (about 2 mins). Return sausages to the pan. Add apple cider vinegar and apple cider and continue cooking until sausages are done and the liquid has reduced by at least half.
Plate and serve!
So so yummy, tangy and sweet … Mmm Mmm!
And I have some for lunch tomorrow. ;-)
My full menu:
Chicken Sausage w/ Leeks
Polenta w/ Sundried Tomato & Basil Cheese
Cauliflower & Snap Peas
My day certainly did not turn out at all how I had intended it to.
My original plans were to go with two friends and join the masses of tourons (tourists, to those of you who aren't local) for fireworks on The Mall. Last night, my girl called and cancelled on me. I called this morning to try to talk her into it but she wasn't having it. So, since she was bummed, I said we'd hang at her place. She wasn't having that either. Well shit ... these two were damn near the only ones in town and they were bailing on me. WTF?
Instead ...
I had Mexican food, rolled in some dirt, almost got killed, bleached the crap out of my kitchen, had Japanese food, discussed vaginas, and THEN got to watch fireworks.
Now for the longer version ...
The back up plan for the day was to go to the Marine Corps War Memorial (better known as the Iwo Jima statue) to watch the sunset parade with the Commandant's Own and the Silent Drill Team. And then either watch fireworks from there or catch some elsewhere in the city.
That plan also failed.
On the way there I got some Baja Fresh to go. I grabbed a seat on the ground with a great dead-on view of the statue and started on my late lunch/early dinner. The weather was looking nasty but they put the band on anyway. Not 20 mins after I got there and only one song into the performance, they cancelled the rest of the parade due to incliment weather. No silent drill team for me ... :-(
The weather was more than incliment ... walking back to the metro I had lightening strike in front of me closer than I can ever remember being to it. So, we took a short little jaunt into the drug store and waited ... as the bottom of the sky dropped out. Immediate downpour and hail was all you could see outside. Once it stopped, I went home.
But not all was lost ... I called up my old college roommate (who was headed to The Mall) and told her to head over to my place instead now that they had shut The Mall down as well. Unfortunately, that meant I had to quickly clean up the disaster that my house had become. I was in no mood to be made fun of for being a slob.
She showed up with one of her friends (no comments about the slobbiness of my house ... cool ... ) and we had Japanese food for dinner. She just graduated from Med School though ... and she's a gyno ... so we did a little twat talk too. Kind of odd, kind of not ... She's very open and very comedic about her chosen profession.
The fireworks finally rolled around and were most convenient ... all we had to do was sit in my condo parking lot. Sometimes, life really is just easy.
This is still one of my favorite holidays...
I miss the days as a kid when I would wake up early and watch the parade, making sure to get a good candy catching place right on the curb, then going to the local park and having a big neighborhood BBQ & picnic, playing with squirt guns and water balloons all day to stay cool ... of course having a good fireworks spot claimed earlier in the day with a couple of blankets on the hill above the baseball diamond ... because the fireworks were always the best part ...
It was our day of independence from our parents in some ways. We got to be kids all day, we had our own blanket strategically separate from theirs, and no one looked at us crosswise for it all day. We felt like grown ups for a day, I guess.
So go out and enjoy your picnic, BBQ, local get together, or whatever festivities you have planned.
I'll be having a beer, mulling over my memories, waiting for the fireworks ...
I've been in a lot of places that experience good ol' thunderstorms ... the Central Plains, the Pacific Northwest, Florida ... but last night here in DC was perhaps the most wicked thunderstorm I've ever seen.
It was too loud to sleep through so I laid in bed reading as it pounded away outside. The lightening kept my room lit for hours and the thunder cracked so strongly that it shook the walls of my condo.
Surprisingly though, we never lost power and I didn't see any damage in my neighborhood this morning.
Guess nature is just funny that way.
I've gotten what could hardly be called a good night's sleep over the past two days. I couldn't fall asleep and I woke the instant the sun rose. This morning, getting back to sleep was literally impossible.
I had important places to be ...
Seems some HR people (as unexpected as these particular ones were) finally wiped the sleep from their eyes and noticed the fine specimen of an employee I would make.
... AND ...
I rocked the interview :-)
If all goes well should find myself employed sometime in the somewhat distant future. (A prospect that does not account for the less distant future of ...uh... next week? next month?)
But I just can't stop singing to myself:
it’s undeniable how brilliant you are
in an unreliable world you shine like a star
it’s unforgettable now that we've come this far
it’s unmistakable that you’re undeniable
I feel a little odd about my trip to NYC ...
This is the first time in I can't think of how long that I went on a trip and didn't at least buy postcards with the intention to send them. Usually I at least mean to send them even if I don't quite get around to it.
This time I bought a package of panoramic postcards as mementos of my trip, but none for my friends. I keep telling myself it is alright since I also forgot to write their addresses down on paper before I left town ...
... but still ... I miss the idea of the smile people get when they find something unexpected and personal in their mailbox at the end of the day
Congratulations, Penn State University graduates!
Today marks the day you are finally free ...
Happy May Day!!
Take a minute and be a kid today ...
Go leave a little basket of popcorn and jelly beans on your neighbors porch with a few little flowers you picked on the way over, just for good measure.
At least that's how I spent May Day when I was a kid...
Several classmates and I piled into a van last Friday with the US Navy Commander currently assigned to a fellowship in our program and headed out to Norfolk. Unfortunately, it was a really small group and I was the only one who had made the trip last year as well. Disappointing, but not a surprise given the attitude around the halls ... but I digress ...
We left town at 0530 - JC that was an early day - and we arrived early because our driver did somewhere between 80 and 90 mph the whole way there.
Our day started on the USS San Jacinto with a greeting I have never received on any of my tours with the Navy ... a seated presentation in the wardroom by the XO himself and welcomes from a handful of other people. Demerits for the cookies and coffee they promised but that never actually showed up.
We continued with the PAO and got a longer, more complete tour than I could have imagined. On the USS Jacinto we were able to hear directly from the guys working in each section she took us to instead of just hearing her side of what they do. The guys were extremely proud of their ship, their individual positions within the team, and highly complimentary of one another in ways I haven't seen most any team be. My previous tours have been with somewhat insecure or lax PAOs that didn't really seem to like their job or that people were interrupting their day - this was miles above those previous experiences.
We finished up a little early and headed over to NAS Oceana for the second portion of our day, with our first stop at the Officer's Club for lunch and some much needed coffee. Truthfully though, I really could have done without the auto-dog explanation over dessert.
After lunch we killed some time poking around the different aircraft they have out on display in a little park area while we waited for our next tour guide. We shared a few callsign stories ... and shock of shocks ... no one was surprised by the one I recently received while working for an Air Force Colonel.
The greatest learning experience of the day came from the F-18 simulator. I took several rockin trips through the skies with the "aircraft" handled almost entirely by me (or sometimes the pilot helping us out), from take-off to landing crash. In fact, I don't think any of us managed to make a successful landing. One guy got close when he bounced the plane off the ground and then crashed ... but the Commander and the pilot giving us the tour were the only ones to make successful landings - and a couple carrier landings to boot! But then again, we were all a little "airsick" from standing inside the simulator and watching other people fly...sounds like a good excuse, right?
We finally got back to town in what felt like a downpour and I hustled my butt over to Fran's to join the party that had started over an hour before. I'm sure you will all now forgive my tired and unkempt appearance...
Note to the military: Ignore my excuses above - Plan to invest heavily in my flight training or keep me far, far away from the cockpit of any and all aircraft. I've already dumped three virtual F-18s in the drink and scattered a few more in tiny bits across the landscape. I think that's enough to prove I need a little more practice...
A big thanks to Andi for her countless hours putting together the Milblogging Conference 2006, to all those who helped her along the way, the VFW, and Military.com for their contributions. It was an honor to be in the company of so many people with the drive, determination, dedication, and spirit to serve in and support the military so lovingly and tenaciously.
I was very impressed with the dialog between panelists and the attendees. A lot of really important issues came out and we were all able to feel the common ground, despite all our social, geographic, and economic divides. I personally really took away the feeling that when bloggers band together, they can achieve amazing things.
I was also pleasantly surprised by my conversation with the representative from CENTCOM I was able to speak with over lunch. His outlook on blogging and the projects he is planning to get underway were exactly in line with what I think bloggers around the world have been looking for. Good news for all, I say.
But we were there to have a little fun too...
Friday at Fran O'brien's was a kickin good time. I had the chance to meet up with Blackfive, Buckethead, ArmyWife, Chuck & Carren from From My Position, and the Donovans again and meet a whole score of new people who's names flew out of my head (I accept no personal responsibility for that ... it was all the vodka's fault). By the end of the night I was introduced to who someone told me was Hal ... so I hope it was the real one. But overall, I'm glad that we could all get together and toast to what Fran's has done for the troops.
Meeting Smash & his wife was a bittersweet moment ... but only because I wanted to steal their plane tickets home or stow away in their luggage to get back to San Diego again. I almost missed getting to chat with him both nights but Contact Right was cracking me up the whole time he was around. I ran into Steve from ThreatsWatch at the bar (btw, a very interesting and chill dude to hang with) and felt a little like a dork when he reminded me we had exchanged several emails a year or so ago ... oops ... looks like I should be paying more attention to who is moving where and under what name from now on.
Lunch on Saturday was a lively conversation between AWTM, Fuzzibear Lioness, Sgt B, Soldiers Angels - New York, a couple readers that haven't ventured into the world of blogging yet, a small radio media guy, and the aforementioned CENTCOM representative. And over at the coffee table (a very important table the night after a blog-fest of any kind), I ran into another local blogger - VMIJPP from Rule 308.
The Pub Crawl Saturday night was unfortunately less of a crawl and more of a "stand-around-and-drink," but like Murdoc said ... a little rain couldn't ruin our festive mood. I did notice the rain managed to keep Capt B, Taco, and crew from showing up, but I think that was just their excuse to keep from losing the drinking contest. They say it was a safety issue ... excuses, excuses ...
But the "stand-around-and-drink" did give me a chance to hang with Uncle Jimbo & his sidekick K, HomefrontSix, Mike M from The War Tapes, Euphoric Reality, Doug from Military.com (a guy with awesome bad work stories from his former job), Instapinch, and Murdoc, in conjuction with the crew I already knew or met. It was such a good group of people.
Somewhere along the way I think I got to chat with Some Soldier's Mom, Soldiers Angel-Germany, Holly Aho, the guys from Op-for, and a lot more people but unfortunately my brain can only remember so many names. I remember faces much better ... and we all know bloggers are camera shy ... so I'm kinda screwed. SORRY!
If I met you but spaced your name please send me an email or link and I'll correct my mistake.
For those still in jail ... I guess Sgt Hook will have to keep us updated on your fight against the man ...
A Scots boy came home from school and told his mother he had been given a part in the school play.
"Wonderful," says the mother, "What part is it?"
The boy says "I play the part of the Scottish husband!"
The mother scowls and says: "Go back and tell your teacher you want a speaking part."
Go see what some other Scots have to say today ...
FINALLY, something good in my life to write about....
I spent my night drinking wine, telling jokes, and giving dating advice to foreign dignitaries...
What did you do?
On the upside of things, someone finally decided to pop the big question!!!!
Reader and long time friend, Dorothy, was out at a scenic point aptly known as, "Paradise," when her man decided to ask the big question.
I couldn't be happier for the two of them. He's getting a great woman with so much going for her it isn't even believable; from what I can tell, she's getting a man that cares for her like none other. And of course, it is always so heartwarming to see good things happen to good people.
Be sure to wish them many happy years together.
Sounds like he did good on the ring too! ;-)
True to their word, the higher ups served soda bread and irish coffee to celebrate this fine spring holiday.
Whiskey brunch...?
Maybe workin for the feds ain't so bad after all...
Now to continue the morning's festivities ...
I've been thinking a lot about St. Patty's Day ... I think it just might be my favorite holiday ...
- The whole point is to have fun & get drunk
- Whole bars of people become quick friends for no other reason than what day it is
- Drinking at the work place is more likely to be accepted (good news for me this week)
- You get to pinch people without getting hit
- And, you get to say all kinds of toasts in a crazy fake accent, and people will laugh along with you instead of calling you a dorky poser
I say we all take the day off and do this holiday like it deserves to be done. Who's with me?
Oh, I mean, Pi...
...Just in case you can't wait until Friday and need something to celebrate today...
... I want some more ...
Well at least that's what it felt like last night. I attended an Embassy event with very kick ass food.
Apparently some of the representatives thought that the other intern and I might starve though. They kept wanting us to eat more food and then they sent us home with doggie bags full of it!
So of course everyone on the metro had to smell my leftovers the whole way home ... I thought the homeless people were going to start trailing me home! These events just keep getting more and more interesting ...
Last night was another very sucessful blogmeet ... but I must admit being the guilty party to mess part of it up. While the restaurant messed up the reservation all on their own, it is my fault that Jen & company were not in attendance. Looking back at the mailing, her email address is not in the list ... dammit. Sorry all!! Guess it really is all in the details, isn't it? I can't take the blame for the Cranky Neocon though ... he was just MIA.
Our full list of guests that DID arrive included: Blogeline & her husband (Blogeline's Journal), Buckethead (Ministry of Minor Perfidy), Goddess Dawn (Caterwauling), Lysander (Lysander of Alexandria), Robert (Llama Butchers), Victor (Publius & Co), Nic (Shoes, Ships, and Sealing Wax), Ted & his wife & daughter (Rocket Jones), and the Wonder Formerly Known As Blogless.
Personally, I got a huge kick out of playing tetris with the tables. But then again, I was stuck in a corner where I couldn't move any of the tables. I think those that were doing the moving and being moved stopped seeing the humor after the second time ... maybe the third ... but certainly by the fourth.
I thought that was schmutz on my glasses blurring my vision, but it's not. This weekend sped past so quickly that it really feels just like a giant blur. All the laughing and the bonding moments are strung together in my head as one big good time.
You see, my itty bitty postage stamp of a condo has been bustling with company since Thursday but now, suddenly, it is empty again. I'm so tempted to sleep the day away now, but I shouldn't ... (but I might ... )
Also during this great weekend, I had the opportunity to meet the lovely Miss Andi and be amazed by her in person, instead of just online. And because of her terrific heart and uncanny organization, I was able to visit Walter Reed this weekend as well. It was an amazing experience that deserves a post all its own - when I'm not deliriously sleep deprived.
Perhaps a nap will clean the blur out of this head of mine... I'll let you know on Tuesday when I finally wake up.
In my book, all cheese is good cheese... Well, let me rephrase that a little ... all cheese sold in your grocer's dairy case is good cheese.
A good brie, an extra sharp cheddar, a soft mozzerella... MMMMMmmmm!! I love cheese.
And I just recently stumbled across a habanero cheddar that is to die for! I grated it across some hint-o-lime tortilla chips and it was late night snack spicy nacho heaven.
Do yourself a favor and go try some on nachos, on crackers, on warm bread... just go try it!!
My New Years Eve entertainment recently sent me some pics of our night at the bar... According to the pictures, we never left our position at the bar ... right outside the bathrooms. wtf?
Two very important lessons were reiterated by these pictures, as well:
1. The pose you think is so super cute whilst drunk is, in fact, much less cute in the photos than you had originally thought it to be. Stop trying to be cute in photos and just be you.
2. The photo in which your arm candy is looking his most foxy will inevitably be the exact same photo in which you look like a coked out crack whore on a three day binge. Just accept it and learn to laugh about it ... because you know everyone else is already doing it.
But they are cute pics ... good reminders of a fun night on the town with a kind gentleman stranger and his friend.
Since Army Wife is still unable to blog for herself, I thought I'd share a little insight into her life this week...
I was enjoying a lovely telephone conversation with Army Wife yesterday when crying broke out on the other end of the phone. No, not her... it was little Dash. In his words, he was "having a really bad day."
Something happened to the town he was building and the poor little guy didn't know what to do. He just kept saying over and over again, "What do I do? What do I do?" And then, I heard the greatest line ever...
"What do you do? You go take care of the problem and stop acting like a Democrat..." Greatest.Line.Ever.
But there's more...
Dash did in fact rebuild his town and all was well again. The crying stopped and he was a cheerful little boy again. So what did Army Wife say?
"See, don't you feel all better now that you took care of the problem? Doesn't it feel good to be independent and self-reliant instead of depending on big government?"
BWAHAHAHA... I love the way this woman thinks...
I've had some people asking, "Just what does it take to get the lovely Miss Princess Cat 'tore up'?" Well, that depends on the day. But I think they were asking what exactly I had to drink on New Years Eve. So here goes...
6 Jack & Cokes
1 Shot of Jack (I hate shots of Jack)
2 Shots of Tequila
1 Scooby Snack (it may be green, but it's yummy!)
1 Lemon Drop
3 Washington Apples (maybe 4...?)
1 Jaeger Bomb
There you have it ... my 5 hours of New Years celebration. I've been promised pics but I'm not sure the boy is going to follow through on that... we'll see ...
Most bloggers are already well aware of the large feet I have been afflicted with. Christmas, however, brought to light just how large my hands are as well...
Dad bought me a pair of leather gloves that didn't fit. In order to better size my hand, he held his up to mine ... they were almost the same size. His hand was of course thicker than mine and his fingers slightly longer, but they were damn near the same size.
Damn ... if I were a dude, I'd most certainly be packin ...
I don't know if I should be more proud or disturbed :-/
Looks like I'm up to my old tricks again
Insomnia ... techno ... and graphic design...
I've been up half the night patching together a banner design for an old teacher of mine. It's amazing how in the zone you really can get in the middle of the night. It's been years since I've fallen into the depths of that alternate universe. That world where nothing exists but vision, movements unconciously occur out of the purest connection to inspiration, and thoughts are all that it takes to create and build something new. It was like flying through the bluest sky on a warm summer day.
But at least there was no jolt cola involved ... or else I'd be afraid I was turning into a geeky teenage gamer dude ...
Yep, you guessed it. Last night I was tore up from the floor up...
So it's a bit of a slow day. Hopefully yours is too...
Hopefully everyone is out and having a wonderful New Year's celebration by now. And if you aren't out, then hopefully you're either getting lit at home or you're in the process of getting yourself out somewhere. This is no night for sitting on your duff.
Personally, I will be struttin my stuff in the new boots...
(hey, I said BOOTS...)
The best thing about staying at my mom's house is being able to go spend time at the Reagan Presidential Library.
If you're ever near LA, I highly recommend it.
Afterall, he's the greatest president ever...
Not only do I have exes with the same name, I have friends that share the name as well... I am growing very weary of the confusion that it is causing...
Tonight's confusion...
Army Wife: "So, are you going to get so-and-so anything for his birthday?"
Princess Cat: "Yeah... I'm going to... blah blah blah blah"
...insert an occassional "uh huh" "oh, he'd like that" where appropriate...
...continue explanation for 10 minutes...
AW: "Really?"
PC: "Yeah, he'd really like it"
AW: "Wait, for so-and-so??"
PC: "No... the other so-and-so"
AW: "OH! Ok, that makes a lot more sense... I was thinking you sure were going to a lot of trouble..."
Yeah, so I turned eight shades of red for having answered in a very long and detailed manner a question that was not even asked.
Someone needs to get on increasing the variance of male names in the world...
Wind was whipping through the city, the temperature could not have been more than 25 degrees...
Calf length coats that were once so elegant on the hanger, promising to keep their owners warm were uselessly flapping, betraying everything they stood for...
Pedestrians were few and far between, most of them shivering as they rushed along to their warm office buildings...
People normally (somewhat) cheerful kept their heads down in silence, watching their breath expose the truth of their insanity for being out in weather like this...
A cute pair stood out as a rarity, bright-eyed and chatty...
Standing on the corner waiting for the light to turn he said, "Wow, your ears must really be cold..."
She nodded, smiling shyly with a bit of embarrassment for being so unprepared.
"You should get yourself some earmuffs..."
Still somewhat embarrassed she said, "I know..."
She returned her gaze to the ground, wiggling to keep warm...
He reached into his bag, retrieving a fleece headband...
I politely declined, blaming my hair for not already having one...
We crossed the street...
He continued on his merry way to work with the cute chick he had originally been chatting with...
I still amazed that the kindness of strangers still sometimes manages to survive this city...just amazed...
Maybe you had to be there, but the woman I was talking to at the time found this conversation uproaringly funny...
Her: I think we are overwhelming them a bit
Me: Yeah, I think so too. Even when I walked up to meet them and it was just me, they seemed a little overwhelmed with the situation. I mean, come on... I'm just the intern...
Her: I don't know why... It's not like we bite... hard...
Me: I know... I'm not even authorized for that here!
I know, I know... I'm such a dork...
So this dude is still all about drooling over Claudia Black. I do see his point though, she is quite the sight sometimes, especially as her character Aeryn:
But just between you, me, and the 'sphere, after having met the dude, I'm not so sure he can really handle a tough chick like that... women like that are best left to the curious chicks professionals such as myself...
Q: "So, what do you do as an intern here at the Department?"
A: "I pour champagne."
No seriously, that's what I did this afternoon... I poured champagne for people far more important than me that will never remember my name...
But I did get to drink some too!
I wanted to make things nice for big sis when she got back. You know, holidays are coming. So a few of my Lessons Learned today:
* First off, no one told me you couldn't save money by making your own bags of microwave popcorn with a few ziplocks and a big jar of Redenbacher. Guess I'll be headed to Wicks and Things for some more scented candles.
* Second, cats like catnip, not mistletoe. Keep that in mind when putting on their festive collars. Guess I'll be headed to CVS for some more Bactine.
* Third, do NOT heat champagne in the bottle before adding it to your spiced cider. Next stop, Pearl Vision for some new contacts and maybe a little ointment. Can someone give me a ride?
At least I have a week or so to get all this cleaned up. The most decorating I do in my cabin is a string of lights along the crossbeams in the living room and a few more pictures of my friends on display. I'm a man, that's what you get. Besides, the hell of Black Friday tends to get to me. I really want things to be special for Cat when she gets home, she's so far away from her family out here.
Today I am thankful for...
Improvements in my relationships with my family.
My best friend finally finding a man who values her like the rare gem she is and always will be.
The ability to escape the east coast several times a year.
Friends who support me and keep things running (like my blog) when I want to run away from everything.
Having the opportunity to meet so many terrific, kind, amusing, entertaining, and all around wonderful new friends and bloggers at my first and second (of many) blogmeets.
Our military men and women that sacrifice their normal lives in order to make the world a better, safer place for all of us.
Self-awareness and the ability to learn from ones mistakes.
My quite elderly kitty cat who still is still alive and kicking (and begging for attention) when everyone said he would be dead last year.
Friends that never forget you, even if you fall of the planet for a while.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you'll excuse me, I've got some stuffing myself to do...
Beaches, boots, dancing and shots... damn, it's good to be back in the southland...
I snapped some pics of the surfers today while I strolled on the sand.
Way authentic chinese food for lunch that rocked.
Finally got fitted for my boots - they are in the process of being ordered... Merry (early) x-mas to me!
A purple shirt and berry lips...
Lots of line dances, ass shaking to some bizzare hip hop, and I had no choice but to let my hair down and rock out to some 80s. (Someone lost my favorite hair clip though...)
And what night would be complete without my shots... open tab, tequila flowing... Mmm Mmm!
Coincidentally I ran into a guy I met last November when I was in town at the same bar. He came up and totally thought I wouldn't remember him but I did. He's a little sweetheart of a stud muffin. Too bad he bailed without saying goodbye...
But for now, in the words of Little Miss Teacher ... it's mimi time!
My house is a simple place but has four different zones for my different moods. There is the main floor with the great room/kitchen/dining/fireplace and the guest room. This is the place for entertainment. Then there is the downstairs with library of built-in bookshelves, fireplace, comfy chairs and the hot tub, perfect for relaxation. My bedroom is my underground refuge, no light and little sound enters and it even has its own separate heating.
Why is this important? It's not, but I am noticing that in order to post on this site, I go to the fourth zone, the upstairs loft. I almost never write up here unless it is fiction. It's also the place for games and projects. Sitting up here, staring out into the woods, watching the water flow downstream, I feel like this is the appropriate place to think of something to say for big-sis... a place where beauty is all around. I am waiting for an "Old friend newly met" to come for a visit, eager for the conversations.
And what is it I have to say? Glad you asked. Nothing special:
Have a great Saturday. Take the time to talk with someone for no other reason than the pleasure of their company. If you want something to do at the same time, play cards. Turn off the TV, the radio, whatever other noisemakers you have and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we just have to be reminded.
(how does she walk in these heels?)
Looks like RSM is taking fine care of the library while I'm away and unable to keep an eye on things... Thanks, dude.
The ball was last night. As predicted, the poor Marines didn't know what hit em. The dress fit like a dream, the lipstick shiney red, the shoes strappy and sparkley. And for my benefit, studly eye candy as far as I could see. Naturally, I pissed off a few wives as I talked to their husbands... but hey, I didn't know who they belonged to! Besides, that's apparently what I do...
Gotta run, the clear blue sky and 74 degree weather is calling my name!
It's a bittersweet day in my kingdom...
I had planned to spend my day visiting wounded troops at Walter Reed Medical Center here in DC but my guide decided it was not a good day to go... I have to admit, I'm more than a little bummed to have my chance to give back on such a great day yanked out from under me. Yes, I'm that selfish sometimes.
But the cancellation was for a very good reason... seems most of the people she had planned to see are gone for the weekend. I am more than happy...no delighted...to have my plans scrapped if it means that these warriors are getting to spend the weekend outside the hospital with their friends and family. Their opportunity to have that means far more than my opportunity to say thank you. I will say thank you on another day...on many other days...
And nothing is a more lasting thank you than a donation to a good cause. Valor-IT is still raising money for the voice activated laptops and every cent counts toward getting them to those in need. If you don't think you have the cash to donate, go check your couch cushions and the floor of your car...you might be surprised what can be done with what feels like so little...
And a special thank you to my Grandpa Charles. I wish that life had not taken you away so soon. Knowing who you were and what you gave to our country would have meant so much.
Today is the 230th birthday of the United States Marine Corps and all the tradition that those finely dressed, ass kicking, young studs stand for.
In honor of all the great things the men and women of this fine military service have provided to us over the years, let me share some of my favorite USMC bumper stickers & slogans:
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem" -- President Ronald Reagan
"Martyrs or Marines, who do you think will get the virgins?"
"Stop Global Whining"
"US Marines: Travel agents to Allah"
"You can't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong"
"Be safe, sleep with a Marine" (I especially love this one...hehe)
Be sure to buy your favorite Marine a drink today. You can start with Eric, or That 1 Guy, or USMC Vet, or Sgt B, or Telebush. But don't leave anyone out! And be sure to also have one in honor of Capt B who is in Iraq right now and Mike the Marine out on ship.
And please, take a few moments to give any little bit you can to help those who have been wounded in their time of service. The Marine team still needs your help to get to their goal of $21,000 for the voice activated laptops (Project Valor-IT) There is still time and any little bit you can spare will go farther than you can imagine to improve the lives of these warriors.
Have a great birthday, Marines!
I'm a little slow at getting this post up but don't take that to mean I didn't have a kick ass time... you'll soon see what caused the delay...
Seeing the Straight White Guy and the Straight White Wife again was a sweet pleasure that gets better every time. Their home was just beautiful, the deck that almost killed Eric was home to many a sorted conversation, and the patio that caused him to (gasp) glisten was the perfect place to enjoy the crisp fall air.
All the other bloggers I met were a new and, um, interesting experience
Army Wife Toddler Mom was already in town when my flight landed. I could tell right off that this chicky was going to be good times. She's the funniest lady ever! But I think she might have sat in something ... did I hear someone say she had puddin on her ass? Oh, and those adjoining rooms we had were mighty nice too ;o) She might just be my newest bestest friend and of course my favorite partner in crime (mostly because she snorts...hehehe)
I almost needed a new pair of panties when I met Mr. Rockstar, the Blackfive, in the flesh. I'd been reading him long before any other blogger so it was a real treat to finally be in the same room swapping stories. Though ... I was a little surprised to see the paratrooper of love putting on women's shoes...
Jim and Denny treated us to some guitar and singing the likes of which I have never seen. By the way, don't ever listen to a man with his own guitar when he says he can't sing ... and who knew a kazoo could be so entertaining?
That One Guy is the only guy I know who can be cool while there is blood pouring from his nose. The stories he could tell over a beer, I'm sure ... he's the only dude that can make me actually want to visit the midwest, just so I can keep listening to his stories.
Tammi was not only a terrific chick to hang with, she's a good cook too! You can't argue with a woman that wants to cook for this crowd, does it with a smile, and jumps right in to the festivities when she's through. Oh, and watching her run through the parking lot to hug AWTM one last time was just awesome.
What can I say about Zonker? He's simply the coolest tatted up, backwoods, mullet head I've ever met. And so popular with the ladies, this one is... We just can't get enough of his brand of humor.
Meeting RSM was so interesting but he's such a sneaky little fucker. I hung out with him all day on Saturday before I knew that I was talking to my very own blog brother. He's one of those quiet ones but he's hiding some great stories in there.
Boudicca & Morrigan were the cutest little fireballs to hang out with. And I've never seen a hotter woman with an AR-15 either. I just wish I had more time to talk with them. Next time, girlies?
Johnny-Oh ... he was such a sweetie to drive me to the airport on Sunday. This man had me laughing all weekend long and could deal with my yammering on end. Now THAT is a good conversationalist...
It was so awesome that Sissy came so far to hang out with us! I can't wait to hang with her somewhere closer to her turf sometime later this year. We ladies have some more military stories we simply must share.
Redneck was not just one damn funny guy, he was one of the most chivalrous men of the weekend, especially when I was cold... which was almost all of the time it seemed there for a while. Jokes and jackets, what more could a girl ask for?
Key (accompanied by her non-believer husband) stopped by for a spell and played pretty photographer all over the place. Hopefully she didn't catch us in too many of those compromising situations we bloggers like to find ourselves in.
Harvey was a total trip - ladies, did you know that there is a device that allows you to pee standing up without taking off your jeans? Well there is. Harv showed me... online of course...
TNT was one smart cookie that could snap you like a twig... good thing she's such a nice lady! A good patio partner too ... Ms. Bee Squisher, she is...
It was neat to meet John and Beth from the same town where my grandma lives. Funny how it’s just a small, small world sometimes. Unfortunately, I didn't get to talk with them much.
Brad and Jason, two members of the Eagle Glen Social Club, were also there to party with us on Friday and Saturday. Brad was just too damn funny for his own good. Thanks to Jason for letting us shoot at and/or kill balloons (depending on who was shooting) out on his property. It was a very cool experience to have the trucks backed up, tailgates down, music playing, and bullets flying on a warm fall day.
Last weekend was a much-needed escape and I am so glad that I was able to meet all of the awesome people that were there. It was a weekend of adventures in blogging ... a pilgrimage to all that keeps me blogging ... an all around good time!
I'm too busy to do anything fun for Halloween this year but if you haven't carved a pumpkin yet, you really should... and use one of these stencils...
Cuz pumpkin carving is COOOL!*
(Oh, and watch the cartoons on the site so that you get how funny the image is that you're slashing into the poor gourd)
I'll post the ones I did as soon as I find the pics
*view the stencils in IE
Its a cold, rainy mess of a day here in my world. It is a perfect day for one of my new favorite stews. This used to be a Rachel Ray recipe but I didn't like it her way. I changed around a few things and now it is much yummier.
Veal Dumplings:
1 pound ground veal (or meatloaf blend)
1 large egg, beaten
1/3 cup Italian bread crumbs, a couple of handfuls
1/4 cup, a generous handful, grated Parmigiano or Romano
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg, eyeball it
Coarse salt and black pepper
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, enough to cover the pot
2 carrots, peeled, diced
2 ribs celery and their greens, diced
1 medium yellow skinned onion, diced
Coarse salt and pepper
1 fresh or dried bay leaf
1/2 cup white wine
1 can green beans
1 (15- ounce) can crushed tomatoes
3 cups chicken stock
2 cups beef stock
6 sheets of wanton wrapper, cut into 1 in squares
Crusty bread, to pass at table
Combine the veal and the next 5 ingredients. Then form the mixture into small meatballs, set aside.
Heat a medium soup pot over medium to medium-high heat. Begin to chop veggies while pot heats up: dice carrots into 1/4 inch pieces, chop celery and onion. Add extra-virgin olive oil to warm pot. Once the oil is warm, add the carrots. Turn carrots to coat them in oil and add celery and onion.
Season the vegetables with salt and pepper and a bay leaf. Stir vegetables and cook 5 minutes to begin to soften. Do not let vegetables brown, reduce heat if necessary.
Add the wine and cook for 1 minute.
Next, add chicken and beef stock, crushed tomatoes to the pot. Put a lid on the pot and raise heat to high. When soup boils, about 3 minutes, add 1-inch balls of veal dumplings directly to the pot.
When you are done adding the veal, drop in the wanton squares. Simmer stoup for 6 minutes to cook wanton squares and meat dumplings.
Adjust seasonings and turn the heat off, then let stew stand a couple of minutes.
Enjoy with warm crusty bread and a glass of wine or a beer.
Note: If you make this a day ahead, refridgerate, and reheat the next day the stew will be thicker and the flavors will be much richer.
Dad was in town one more night so of course that meant another decadent and delicious dinner in a restaurant I couldn't dream of affording. Tonight it was all about the seafood though... lobster on fava bean pre-dinner, Lobster bisque to start, halibut on crushed potato for the entree, and mixed sorbet with berries and truffles for dessert.
I'm fat and happy so I'm crashin out!
Unfortunately that means that the updates to the blogroll will have to wait even longer. I think we're looking at a Thursday kind of timeline since school wants to get in my way ... Sorry guys, I'll get you on there soon... I PROMISE!
23-17, JAC - that's payback for beating my Chargers last week... I love you and all PIT but there is a price to pay...
21-28, KC - Good for the Chiefs... they don't catch enough breaks in this game if you ask me
27-14, SAN - In the words of Cartman... Na na na-na na na, Ha ha ha-ha ha ha... How you like that game you ghetto ass punks?
For the second night in a row I've had a great dinner out. Tonight it was an incredible meal with Dad who flew in from LA on the early flight. It was hell on him getting to the airport that early but it was so nice to have him here mid-afternoon.
We went to Morton's Steakhouse for dinner (and ate way too much) and caught up on chit chat that we missed over the past few weeks with us both being so busy. The shrimp alexander appetizer was some of the most scrumptious shrimp I've ever tasted and the steak was rediculously delicious. Coming from someone who is a picky meat eater, that's saying a lot. Our wine was suprisingly inexpensive but I have not had a better pinot noir, hands down.
Dropping him off at the hotel was an adventure though - driving back we got a little geographically displaced... We found ourselves in a rather dark and sketchy and empty part of town at one point, and then accidentally driving into a secure parking lot at another... Eventually we got back to where we wanted to be though.
All around, it is good to have Dad in town... even if I will only really get to see him again for coffee before he leaves on Tuesday... damn business meetings keep getting in the way. It's not like the company paid for him to be here or anything... oh wait...
Last night was my first official blog-meet... It was fantastic.
Thanks go to John of TexasBestGrok for being the chief organizer. He was coming to town on business and with a few e-mails managed to round us all up for dinner. In attendance were Rob from Llama Butchers, Ted from Rocket Jones, The Maximum Leader from Naked Villainy, Goddess Dawn from Caterwauling, Lysander from Lysander of Alexandria, Buckethead from The Ministry of Perfidy, and Matt the Blog-less Wonder.
Thanks to Union Street for giving us a nice room to to chill in and for serving up some good food and some tastey beer.
The conversation was great... and funnier than I ever would have imagined it could have been. I found 3 new blogs to read and got to know a little better those behind the ones I already did. If this is what a blog-meet is like, count me in for many more.
I'd love to have a beer with any one of these bloggers again, any day of the week...as long as they can explain to their wives why they are having a beer with a grad student....
...and becoming more distinguished... At least that's the nice way to say some dude's getting older.
Today, it's none other than Blog-Dad, Eric.
Go wish him well, and send him some CDs... Fiona's been taking over the car again...
Just as Rob of Llama Butchers is advertising...we have finally got ourselves a DC blog-meet.
Other DC/NoVa/MD folk are welcome to join us
We're planning to meet at Union Street Public House in Alexandria on Saturday, October 15 at 6:30ish. If you're in the neighborhood, you're more than welcome to stop by. ... Stalkers and moonbats need not apply. But groupies are always encouraged.
My last apartment in San Diego had the perfect place for me to put my bed. It fit in the 'nook' under the window where I could gaze down to the courtyard on a sunny day or nap in a sweet breeze. It was a peaceful, safe, sanctuary that both calmed and inspired me. It also gave me a place to hide my magnetic poetry ... below is what one special afternoon inspired ...
summer breath
celebrating spirit
shadow dance
long winter
sleeping universe
perfect secret
None of my teams won this week... And the Steelers winning doesn't count because they beat my precious Chargers. Apparently someone missed the memo on how that one was supposed to go ...
So, I can either cry in my beer about it or keep em coming until I forget this week's games ever happened.
Option two sounds nice...
It's raining out right now...
Well, actually... it's more of a downpour right now...
A persistant, unrelenting, ever flowing ... constant...
I know that there is noise as I click the keys and the TV rambles on in the other room, but I can't hear anything over the millions of drops hurling to the ground only to splash away and become part of something new.
Some of those drops will become a puddle for little feet to jump in ... some of them will become mud as they saturate the earth ... some will cling for hours to a window until they are knocked down by another wanting to take their place ...
The wind is playing too tonight...
It has broken umbrellas and teases the blinds ... patiently waiting to guide the rain through the skies as it falls...
Or is it just raining here tonight ... ?
For a long while, Thursday was my favorite day of the week. It was always the day I was most tired, most burned out, and most ready for the week to end. I grew addicted to ER and made Thursdays my mandatory lazy night of the week. I refused to write papers, I refused to go out, I refused to do laundry, and sometimes I even refused to just plain cook. Thursday was MY time and Lord help anyone that got in my way.
During my "work?-wtf-is-work?" period I forgot about the simple joy of Thursday.
But first week of doing full time school and full time job, I remember Thursday. And tonight I jumped straight back into it like a fat kid in a pool full of pudding... no cooking, no cleaning, no laundry, no papers (although one is due tomorrow), no work, and no cell phone. Just some salad, some pizza, a stolen cookie, the Apprentice and ER. Life is good...
41-17, SAN - Happy dance? No, this calls for the booty dance... Awesome work, Chargers!
17-20, WAS - Good job local boys...
13-19, OAK - stupid Raiders...
37-31, PHI - I'm sorry to have missed this game. It was on in the background while other things were getting done but truthfully, I missed it. Get some rest next week Chiefies... so you can come back in 2 and show the local boys how it's done.
No Steelers this week... and they play my babies next week... Sorry PIT, but I'll be hoping to see you go down in flames when you get back. Being a Charger fan just flat trumps being a Steelers fan in my house.
Well, I don't actually know what my horoscope for this month says but from where I sit today, October stands to be a much better month than what September was.
After two consecutive weekends of trying on every pair of pants in each store I walk into and coming home in tears empty handed, I have found pants that fit my body, fit my personality, and fit in the workplace.
The second hurdle to overcome was shoes. Unfortunately, as I have mentioned before, my feet are massive. While I didn't come home with boots to wear with skirts, I did come home with a pair of cute black heels and some classy grey heels. Two pairs of shoes for these feet in one day? I can't argue with a day like that...
Oh, and I got a great new bag to take to work since my old messenger bag is showing its several years of wear.
In the end, my credit card is tired, my feet are sore, and my mind is mush, but I have had a rare happy shopping experience... and that is enough... for now...
Oddly enough, high school football is how I spent my Friday night. It was definitely a trip. To be back in the high school environment...and on a night that used to mean so much...
I started to miss what Friday nights in the fall used to mean to me. After school, without going home, I went to game after game after game. I was the only skilled trainer willing to oversee the freshman and junior varsity games. When it came time for the Varsity to play, every one that could convince the coach that they were a meaningful part of the training staff and not a glorified water girl and get on the field showed up. We became part of the team, travelled when they did, cheered when they did, celebrated with they did, and hurt when they did.
I also discovered, based only on this single sample experience as evidence, that high schools on the East coast are not like high schools on the West coast... ...There were no names on the back of the jerseys like there had been when I was on the field...
...There were no sideline jackets used to keep players warm and their muscles ready like there had been before...
...The trainers didn't interact with the team like we had done in my time...
It was all just a little bit surreal somehow
23-20, NE - Damn... guess it had to happen sometime though. Better luck next week, Steelers
20-23, PHI - BOOYAH! Damn I do love when the Raiders lose...
23-45, SD - Happy Dance...Happy Dance...Happy Dance... Everybody happy dance with me!
10-30, DEN - Aw MAN...
The 'Skins were off this week...so another week without comment on their performance. Eh, I'll live... I'm sure you will too.
I'm not usually one to get involved in protests or rallies since they have the potential to get a little ugly but this weekend, I just couldn't be that selfish anymore. Cindy was in town and her lemmings were doing a lot of screaming so I felt obligated to do my part and show up to this:
I heard a lot of great speakers and saw a lot of support shown. The greatest quote was, "from the lowest Private to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we kick ass and take names if we have to." The most moving were the Iraqi citizens that spoke of how grateful they were for America's sacrifice and how much better they see their country getting on a daily basis. The most touching were the gold star family members that talked about their loved ones and how much they believed in the mission that cost them the very life they were willing to lay down for such meaningful causes. One woman read a poem she wrote to describe her young son's viewpoint, what it was like to have lost his dad... She said he didn't understand what gone really means since he has spent several multi-month stints without his father but that since the funeral and her pointing at the flag there, he sees an American flag and identifies it with his daddy. I couldn't help but cry as she read it and held him, all the while he was trying to interject about his missing daddy.
But of course, the Cindy followers took up a post across the street and started chanting against us once they realized we were there. There were a couple of incidents where opposing people came in to cause problems but no one was hurt and they were dealt with in a generally peaceful manner. I was not shocked but still disgusted that people would disrupt something like that when they have their own forum to rant without invading ours.
One of the most amusing moments though was the closing song by The Right Brothers. They did a song written especially for the rally called "Bush Was Right." I don't have the lyrics but it had an awesome na-na-nana-na tune to it. You can guess the chorus...
After having to put up with over a year's worth of 'friends,' roommates, classmates, and professors that spew off their half cocked bullshit against the war, the mission, the troops, and the President on many different fronts...it just about damn near made my whole freakin month.
Having worked in the receiving department of a retail establishment I found this comic to be pretty damn funny...
Luckily all our delivery guys were pretty cool ... it was only the subs that did stupid stuff
27-7, PIT - I didn't get to watch this game but I imagine that the majority of it was somewhat boring since it was 20-0 at the half.
17-20 - Depressing but not surprising... My only upset was that the game was not televised and I actually had the time to sit and watch it this weekend. Figures...
23-17 - This was awesome for two reasons: (1) KC is starting out pretty well, (2) As a Chargers fan, I simply must hate the Raiders ... so I love to see OAK at 0-2 right now.
They play tonight and quite frankly I only care because WAS is the 'home team.' But I'm not from here...and I hate living here...so I only half way care... and its only out of some odd sense of obligation that I do. Screw it... I'll catch them in next week's NFL update.
Turns out I'm being watched. That's right, Mr. Op/Ed Professor has himself an evil, nasty, bottom feeding, scum sucking, bitch snitch keeping watch over those that dare speak out against him.
I received an email from Mr. Op/Ed Professor today protesting that he does in fact have the ability to be objective in the classroom. So did that make my experience to the contrary just a case of simple unwillingness? Since he so clearly states he has the ability...
I'll keep you updated - and if I suddenly don't graduate, I think we'll all know why...
Through all of the bullshit I've waded through in my past relationships, I still have one thing I can thank the men I have dated for giving me - greater cooking skill. Each one had different tastes and I did my best to cook what they liked. One taught me to appreciate sushi so I worked to make it myself. Another was a freak for anything Italian but then again, most of them loved my lasagna. One of the recipes that always won points with an ex and friends alike was my fettucine with smoked salmon & dill. Go give it a try...
Fettucine with Smoked Salmon & Dill
• 1/4 c Butter
• 1 1/2 c 35% Real Whipping Cream
• 2 tbls Vodka, optional
• 8 oz Smoked salmon, diced
• 1/2 tsp Salt
• 1/2 ts Pepper
• 2 tbls Fresh dill, chopped
• 3/4 lb Fettuccini noodles
• 1/2 c Parmesan cheese, grated
Melt butter gently in a large deep skillet. Add cream. Bring to a boil. Add vodka. Reduce heat and cook on low 3-4 minutes until slightly thickened. Add smoked salmon, salt, pepper and dill. Remove from heat.
Cook fettuccine in a large pot of boiling salted water until tender. Drain noodles well.
Reheat sauce. Place drained noodles in the pan with the hot sauce. Toss gently over low heat until sauce coats noodles and is thick and creamy. Sprinkle with cheese if desired. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
IMHO, don't leave out the vodka.
And be sure to check for bones in your salmon!
Little did you readers know, I am a closet football fan. And this week, I was a moderately happy one at that. Only one real disappointment among the 4 teams I follow.
34-7, PIT - ROCK, ROCK ON!
9-7, WAS - Good news for the home team...
7-27, KC - well, HOT DAMN!
28-24, DAL - sad news for my babies... But the Raiders losing on Thurs was enough to keep my spirits high for my team next week.
Maimed bodies dotted the landscape ...
Makeshift piles formed as they were tossed aside, not to be forgotten ... but saved for later.
Some missing part of their head, some the whole thing...
Others lost the top half, while still more lost the bottom...
A few were nothing left but middles...
Their kin continued to scurry about, part to avoid the carnage, part oblivious to the turn of events, part out of sheer terror...
... the monsters were still lurking in their midst ...
Feeding day in the cichlid tank ... what a beautiful moment of animalistic agression ... the struggle to survive ... a microcosm of the entire food chain, front and center in my living room.
The rosie reds don't stand a chance against the Jaguars.
September 2 marked the 60th anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers, the signing of surrender documents on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, and the end of World War II in the Pacific Theater. To commemorate the event I attended a small and elegant ceremony at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall.
From my seat I could see rows and rows of proud Veterans sitting with their families up close to the portable stage. The event opened with a wreath laying at the World War II Memorial proper. Unfortunately, I couldn't see it first hand since I was in the event seating area off to the side. On the big screen I watched as Secretary Rumsfeld laid a wreath and the Director of the National Mall Parks (I think) laid a second. Various military personnel carried flags from each of our allies into the ceremony as they were annouced. It was brief, but poignant.
As the speeches began I counted myself lucky to be part of such a momentous occasion. At the same time, I was a little disheartened by the obvious lack of my generation's representation outside of uniform. But it also left me reassured that I will always have with me something genuinely unique. All in one night I was witness to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, R. James Nicholson, the Sergeant Major of the Army, Kenneth Preston, and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and WWII Veteran, General John Vessey. Senator Bob Dole was scheduled to be there as well but was forced to decline the invitation at the last minute.
Just before the closing fireworks they paid tribute to each individual service by asking people to stand if they or someone in their family had served under a particular branch. It wasn't until I found myself standing more than sitting that I realized how rare I was, even in that crowd, and saw just how militarily focused my life and my family has been.
It was a touching and humbling experience as today's service members honored and thanked the Veterans and the Veterans did the same for today's service members.
What came afterward was just the icing on cake ... but that is an entry for another day...
Yesterday I made the trek down to the International Spy Museum for what is beginning to feel like my annual fall tradition. This is the third August in a row that I have been. This time though, it was a special trip.
The current special exhibit, The Enemy Within, is being replaced and I had to see it one more time before it was gone.
It is a trip through terrorism, extremism, racism, hatred, violence, revolution, subterfuge, and sabotage in American history - both home-grown and foreign. The exhibit includes citizen acts against one another, acts against the government, and the reaction by both the American people and the government, as well as artifacts from different incidents. I have yet to find a better collection of historic facts relating to the ever evolving difficulty that is the balance between security and our way of life.
I disagree with some of the statements made in the video portion about today's world but I've seen it three times now - I must still like the exhibit...
Anyone who has the chance to see it before it goes off exhibit really should go. The museum is open until 8pm these days (last admission for the special exhibit only is 6:45) and the ticket is only $5!! But you better hurry, Sept 5 is your LAST CHANCE!
So that BBQ we went to on Sat? Umm... SUCKED!
And poor Feisty D who flew into town, made time in her plans to see me after all this time, and had to endure the bizzare mash of events. She was just as beautiful and charming as I remembered her to be. What else could I expect from a Hot-lanta woman? Full of laughter and quick wit, she's still my kinda chick.
But the torture I put her through...
First off, it decided to rain the entire day. Weathermen said it would break by noon and then be scattered thunderstorms throughout the afternoon. The actual chain of events were more like constant gray with a precipitation range of slight drizzle to moderate rain. I was cold the entire freakin day. Even once I was inside I could not get my body to warm up. So later that evening I burrowed into the couch in a fleece and homer simpson slippers watching shows about tattoos. But I digress...
Originally this BBQ was scheduled for 6pm. It got moved to 3pm. We showed up at 3:30 and were the first to arrive. The host was still in her grubs from powerwashing the deck (in the rain?) and had no idea what to do with herself.
Strike One.
The "yard" or "back patio" was sort of sketchy. Within the privacy fence there was a small deck area, a small cement area, and a small 'grassy area' - mostly taken up by a very large home made dog house - that was also mostly a big mud pit ... including the area dug out under the house. The window screens were shredded by dog claws and the patio door was atrocious. It looked like a scene out of Cujo.
Strike Two.
The only other person there to begin with was the strong, silent type...minus the strong part... Not so great for conversation...
So we took a seat at the patio table (after laying plastic down on the nasty chairs) and tried to have a conversation over chips and salsa. The only problem? The wind kicked up a little and we suddenly noticed how much the backyard reeked of urine. It smelled as if the deck wood were soaked in it. It was revolting.
Strike Three.
Once other people started showing up and the food was being grilled it felt a little more like a fun get together. But then the guests started talking... Very clique-ish, upwardly mobile, young adult crowd with lots they felt the need to brag about. Um... no. Last time I checked a backyard BBQ was about having a few brews and telling great stories.
Strike Double Three.
D left early for the wedding she flew up for and I was out of there shortly there after. I think I'll 'accidentally' lose the next evite to that house...
I was hoping to entertain you lovely loyal subjects today with my butterfly encounter from yesterday but there's just no time.
In just a few hours the lovely Miss Feisty D (not to be confused with the familiar Feisty Repartee) will be in town and we have A LOT of catching up to do. She and I went to Brown together 8 - that-seem-like-ages-past - years ago. I haven't seen her since she flew out to my house for Thanksgiving dinner in 1997.
And we have a BBQ to attend. So we'll see what kind of ruckous a little Cali girl and a Hot-lanta chick can cause together in DC today.
I'm feeling a little lazy today... many errands have been run and many more tasks are yet to be completed... so no real blogging is to be had.
But since I've been messing with the fish tanks to welcome in a new guy, here's a pic of the type of fish I will be getting:
Go here to learn more about Jack Dempsey Cichlids, mostly because that's where I stole the picture from...
As I was walking past the park to my chiropractor's office today I noticed there were still a fair number of tourists in town. There were people enjoying lunch in the park and couples smiling to one another. I took a minute to look around at all of the windows and awnings I have walked past so often but never taken notice of. There was a bakery, a few restaurants, news stands, florists, tiny places to hit for lunch...all squirreled away in the office buildings of downtown DC. I saw a few places that seemed oddly out of place but interesting enough to try.
Strangely, it all reminded me of the time that SWG and Mrs. SWG were in town and I dragged them all over the Mall. They certainly hiked their way to dinner in Chinatown, asking all the while, "are we there yet?" at every corner. They were exhausted (and hungover) but troopers as I pressed forward to show them as much as I possibly could. (I'm an OCD organizer type...so sue me) Mrs. SWG had to be starving by this point (we all know that Eric was...men are always hungry). She had gotten a bagel earlier that morning for some breakfast but the cream cheese was damn near frozen...the poor dear. She was the sweetest gem all day though.
On days like today, I really miss those two. They notice the little things here and there and see value in what this city is often too busy to care about.
Part of the mandatory requirements for the cadaver course I took in high school (go read here if you don't know what I'm talking about) were two parents' nights. The first one had great repercussions leading me to believe you should always avoid doing your best work, unless you know that no one will find out it was you...
The night of the first presentation was what you would expect...rundown of the highlights, say some thank yous to the people who donated to us, give some awards to people that were especially helpful in fasciliating our program...but the best part was showing off our handywork.
My parents came in and checked out Lucy for a minute or two before Dad got too queasy to take it anymore. Guess he can deal with the dying, just not the dead. Apparently he damn near faints at the sight of blood too (not that there was any)... are we sure I'm related to him? Anyhow, Dad went next door to examine more pleasant sundries ... the cookies and punch ... while Mom jealously investigated our cadavers.
'You're getting a better gross anatomy class than I ever got in school!' she bitterly protested, while still somehow proud of me. Now you tell me that's not scary... a bunch of high school students get more up close and personal time with the inner workings of human anatomy than someone paid to actually care for your health and well-being? YIKES!
But just when I thought I could escape the night in triumph with something to hold not one but both of my parents ... reality set in...
There had been enough opportunity for a parent-teacher conference from which I was unknowingly absent. Being the loving, kind, caring, adoring instructor that she is, she talked up my talents. She told them how I stayed late, never let anything get in my way, and did fantastic detail work, carefully removing fat and connective tissue from muscles, nerves, veins, and arteries. At this point I imagine my parents looked at one another quizzically... this could not be their daughter she was speaking of... their daughter wouldn't load the dishwasher because the task was 'too icky.' She reassured them that nothing about Lucy was too icky for me....
And with my girly cover forever blown, I did the dishes from then on....
I just got home from lunch with a potential new roommate.
The high points:
Crab cakes
Pitchers of beer
The iffy points:
Frat Boy
I've been talking with a friend about moving into a four bedroom house with him, his roommate, and his friend (the guy I was just introduced to). That would make 2 guys, 2 girls...but we haven't found a house yet.
I'm eager to live with someone I can actually interact with and I'm sick of living under the back up cast for riverdance...but am I really eager enough to move in with a couple of frat boys that I could hardly hold a conversation with? Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against the guys whatsoever. It's just that they are much more interested in which restaurant to get drunk at or eat crabs at all day or if anyone has talked to a certain 'friend' lately than any other kind of conversation. I didn't have anything to add to the baseball conversation - I don't follow the sport more than on the very minor surface. I didn't go to their university so I'm not obsessed with it or that fraternity like they are. They would more be drinking buddies or the guys who threw a BBQ that I automatically get to go to because I live in the house.
I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure.
As you can see, I was remiss in my duty to provide an entertaining story of my life for you readers today. Why? It is a laundry list of events...
I was up until a wee hour of somewhere between 4 and 5 am last night and did not sleep in enough to compensate.
To begin the day, in the heat of an unforgiving sun, there was an adventure deep in the secret wooded seclusion where many trail was walked, a toy thrown, fetching to be had, an insect to flee, and a thorny scrub brush to be dealt with. Minor cuts and scrapes were received but no battle goes without its wounds.
After returning to the house it was time to attack the car. While bestowed upon me by the kindness of my grandmother and father, the unintentional gifts of dead skin, food crumbs, and animal hair had to go. Armed with wipes, ear plugs, and an overzealous mini vac, I sweated my ass off and cursed the properties black interior.
Next came the half assed garden planted by a roommate. With the lawn looking better I could no longer stand the unkempt appearance of his vegetables in front of the house. I ripped out weed after weed and then restaked the tomato plants that were bent and broken, showing no signs of love. Of course, there were casualties...but their demise was not in vain...green tomatoes were had for dinner.
Following a MUCH needed shower there was grocery shopping. Let me tell you...shopping to restock your pantry after not having done so for about a month can really take it out of you. But I am pleasantly surprised to have gotten home for under $100. Unfortunately that still averaged out to about $18/bag...
As if the unusual performance of actual work weren't enough... I decided to cook dinner instead of just pull together enough sustenance to make my stomach stop growling. Roast pork tenderloin, cheese risotto, and fried green tomatoes. I have never had fried green tomatoes before but I was assured by a genuine southern boy that they tasted just right. Sure, he may just be being nice but I do know a thing or two about how to cook... so they might not hold a candle to Paula Deen... but dammit I wasn't raised in the South so cut me some slack on my learning curve here.
Oh, and I had to program the new thermostat that's been up since Friday because my techno-tarded roommate apparently can't figure out how to fix anything...
Anyhow...it's been a full day... and I'm down for the count... see you tomorrow, my loves... a much more leisurely tomorrow...
Well it didn't take long for San Diego government to screw up again...this time they are trying to use the new eminent domain ruling to take over Little Italy.
San Diego officials have designated this area of the city as "blighted," and according to the law the city has the authority to use its eminent domain powers for what supporters say is the good of the community.
They aren't trying to confiscate Little Italy for a roadway, or a train station, or even a park...none of it is to be general public use. They want to turn it over to a private firm known for building apartments/townhouses/condos/commercial space. I don't care if those developments are predicted to be good for the community in the long run. Stealing private property to be given to another private owner is just plain wrong, no matter how great you think it will be in the end. There are plenty of people with more money than sense in San Diego, get them to buy areas you want to develop. If the owners don't want to sell, I guess you're screwed. No exceptions. Period.
Go see for yourself the neighborhood they have deemed so unworthy...
A Day in Little Italy It's a unique area of town that San Diego would be worse off for having lost.
As you can see, I'm back. Less obvious though is that I'm more enlightened for having gone...It's been an adventure, for sure. Much less drama this trip but an experience nonetheless.
First - There really isn't anything to do in Jackson, MS...
-the zoo takes about an hour
-the planetarium takes 30 mins (but it'll be the best nap you've ever had)
-the Old Capitol Museum of MS History takes about an hour
-the natural history museum takes about an hour and includes A LOT of river fish
-if you need something to do on Sunday...well, you're pretty much screwed
Second - They really do operate a little differently in Jackson, MS...
-the hotel cleaning crew didn't have towels on their carts...we just got the 'unused' towels from the rooms that had checked out... ew...
-food in the Jackson airport is of low quality (even by airport standards) but more expensive than any other airport I've ever been too
Family was family...plenty of rude behavior due to the cliques that we just can't seem to break but people tried to get along. Most people were enamored with the newest addition, born a year ago, so the rest of us didn't have to be quite so cute or social. The branch of the family driving from TX (thus part of why we had it in Jackson) decided not to show up...thus pissing off the rest of us who'd rather have been somewhere else instead of a conference room off the interstate... *shrug* ... We had beer and the captain to help us make it through.
I'm now known as the info collector, the organizer, and in charge of putting together the rest of the family tree. Hopefully that doesn't mean I'm in charge of the next reunion...
I go away for a few days and I come home to talk of religious underwear and a spam attack... I'm not sure I know what to think... but two things are for sure...
...I'll be stripping this blog and de-spamming for the rest of the afternoon.
...and religious or not, you won't catch me in those mormon digs Eric was talking about - it's just not natural! I'm the kind of girl that believes in enjoying things to the fullest... nature included. I mean, mother nature didn't give us the gentle evening breeze for nothing... who am I to put a swatch of cotton in her way? Besides, I like the way it tickles... ;o)
I take it all back... July has actually brought to me some really good things... it wasn't until this afternoon that I finally realized it.
Sure, the accident sucked - but not one was really hurt...the drama after the accident isn't resolved yet - but it could be worse... the A/C being out sux but I am leaving again tomorrow - and I haven't had to endure it for the past week like my roommate has.
I was able to spend 2 weeks with mom and only once argue with her...
I was able to spend 2 weeks in town and not fight with Lil Bro...
KS came back into my life ...
And the best news of all I'll share with you all a little later... the real world gets to find out first. But come back in a few hours and you'll have the scoop too.
While there is still much drama from the accident and arrest that has not been resolved (and I'm sure I'll be bitching about that later), things are looking up in my part of the world.
I have gotten a few more moments with Dad and a lot more time to talk with Miss Kindred Spirit (KS from here on out).
I am tired and ready to close my eyes, so heavy with sleep I will be gone before my head hits the pillow for sure... but I am so happy to have spent the wee hours of the morning really talking. Not arguing, not trying to one up the other with a new story, not convincing anyone on a point of view, not bad mouthing someone who screwed the pooch... just talking...
Those good times really can wear you out though... peace!
Last night I had the opportunity to have dinner with the only person I still know from high school. It was the best dinner I have had in ages.
The food was food...nothing all that great. It was talking with her again after so long like we had never spent a day apart...sitting across from the table and realizing she is a kindred spirit I have missed in my life so desperately these past few years...it was the comfort I felt when she said in her own words the things I have felt so alone in feeling sometimes...
She is a smart, talented, beautiful woman that I feel privileged to know and selfish for not supporting all this time. This time, I hope we stay in touch...
Ok, so family time is a little weird now that we're all making an effort to learn how to get along as individual adults...
Dad now 'pretends' he doesn't know what I'm talking about when Lil Bro and I mention the word beaver...
Mom asks me if her thong is showing & if I'd go bra shopping with her...
and still kids say the funniest things...as I was telling Lil Bro about my visit with SWG & Wife and their respective accents I was terrified I would accidentally repeat and offend them with, he jumped in with..."but that's perfect for you...you're Scottish and you're into that hick thing..." Apparently a cowboy hat, country music, and a few uncultured dates here and there makes me 'into that hick thing'...hehehe
Ah...family time...nothing else like it in the world...
As we were leaving the Dodger game tonight (and dodging traffic on our way back to the car) I crossed paths with a big black truck given a hefty lift...an obvious dune junkie...with lots of badass paraphernalia...and a big set of black balls hanging off the back...
It was the funniest thing I saw all night...
So, does your ride got balls?
For the first time in a VERY long time I was damn near packed and ready to head to the airport last night, almost 24 hours before I even need to be in line for security. I haven't stressed out and stayed up all night, or even lost a wink of sleep...What is this world coming to?
With all my extra time I have been trying to tidy up the house a little. Doing the dishes I've neglected, tossing the trash that will stink when I get back in two weeks, and trying to clean out the fridge. Sounds fun, right?
Though, I talked to Dad and Lil Bro for a while too. Lil Bro is trying to get cleared to go back to work after his fall on Tuesday morning and Dad is running around like a wild man with company visitors in town and the sudden death of a close coworker's father. I'm avoiding Mom for the time being. She's very stressed out about work and the airport always makes that worse. It was important to her that she pick me up instead of depending on my Dad so she will be picking me up tonight ... and I think that's about all I can take of her for today. I love her but she is hard to take in sudden and/or large doses.
I generally dread going to LA because there are so many bad memories there, so much sadness, and an overwhelming sense of failure. I don't have any high school friends left to speak of either. On top of all that, I am going there this trip to sort through the remaining contents of the life I used to have in San Diego and I still miss so terribly.
But I am hopeful that things will be different this time. Tomorrow night, Dad, Lil Bro & GF, and I will go to a Dodgers game together...something we have never done before. We generally don't do more than have dinner together and don't make each other that important. In fact, Lil Bro has never trusted me to even meet any of his romantic interests before. So...I'm ready to go...and waiting to see what the next week has to offer.
...I haven't got one...do you? I do however have a pretty good, albeit brief, trackrecord when it comes to playing Texas Hold 'Em.
The first time I played was about a year and a half ago. The boys loaned me chips so I could play (it was only nickle, dime, quarter) and I had a little help from one of the wives. In less than two hours the boys were so tired of playing against a newb that just wouldn't give up and lose, they ended up just calling the game. I took my chips, paid back what I had borrowed, and walked away with $11.
A few weeks ago I joined my roommate for a small tournament he hosts at our place every couple of weeks. This time there were just four of us playing with a $10 buy in. I was so rusty on poker they had to tell me the hands and write down their hierarchy. We played 2 hands no bets, cards up...just to get me reaquainted. In a matter of an hour I managed to become the chip leader while taking out my roommate and one of the other guys. Ultimately I lost to the last guy but I walked away without losing a penny. Not bad for a newb against 3 experienced players that assumed they'd be robbing me of my $10, easy.
Muwahahaha...Nothing makes a girl's day like sending the boys home pouting...
In just about a week I will be returning home. Seeing the parents for a week first but knowing I'm going home to this makes the torture family time in LA more bearable.
Granted, it will be a very short visit...but being home is being home...and I'll take what I can get.
As long as I can remember I have had pets. But in college I could never have any that lived with me...apartments never allowed for a cat or a dog. For my 22nd birthday I got a fish tank. It satisfied me for a while but fish are hard to play with. I still really wanted a pet I could interact with. One of my managers had a lovebird that she wanted to get rid of so I took it off her hands.
Big mistake... Birds SUCK... No matter how cute they seem in the store I will never own one ever again...unless I can stick him in a room far far away from where I spend the majority of my time...
Anyhow, this bird ended up being called Little Fucker because he never shut up and if you let him out to fly around the apartment, he shit on everything. Not cool.
First of all, it was a single lovebird. They are supposed to be kept in pairs but no way in hell was I spending money on another bird when I didn't even know if I would like the first one.
Second, she had it in a tweety bird cage. Apparently lovebirds go a little insane in round cages...according to some book I read. So I found a large, square cage that someone was giving away and gave it a new home.
He didn't seem to care about these improvements, his toys, or his food. He ended up being cool for only four forms of entertainment... 1) he 'sang along' to Pink Floyd, 2) he danced in the sink when the water was running, 3) it was pretty funny to watch the cat chase him and tackle him to the ground,* 4) he would hump the shit out of one of his toys...which was funny except it had a bell on it...
Little Fucker ended up going home with a semi-psycho bird infatuated couple for about $50. I sold the cage to another family for $90. So, minus what I spent on the bird's stuff, I probably made at least $100 off the sucker.
But I tell you what...I'll have a whole house full of birds before I even think about letting a live snake into my house...
*My mom's indoor, de-clawed cat came to stay with me for a month and never actually hurt the bird.
With all this talk of the G-8 and the music channels running repeats of Live 8, I decided I need to do something to help end poverty in Africa...and I'm asking for your help...
Readers, I bring you the Princess Cat Cock Ring...
Buy one today!
For your pleasure...
for your woman...
for the children...
I was bored one evening as I waited for my shuttle to take me home from the airport. I took out my camera and just started snapping. The pictures weren't coming out the way I wanted them to and I was getting frustrated. I was aggravated with the way things felt so out of my control in the rest of my life as well. The pic below was the last one I took that evening. And it is my favorite one of them all.
The pic struck me when I took it, and if you make it large enough on screen it still does, as the essence of what I struggle so hard to find in the turmoil of my life...moments of peace. As the cars are speeding past and the barriers are locking me you in - imagery that easily represents the rapid pace of life, the unending drama, and the course I must plod along to succeed - there is still peace, standing still behind it all.
If you look at just the right moment, in just the right way, there you will find it...peace...
I am an absolute Food Network junkie. I love Alton Brown's wackiness, the factory tours of Unwrapped, trying to understand the Japanese of Iron Chef, putting Rachel Ray on mute while I try to steal ideas from her...but most of all, I LOVE Paula Deen. There is just no way you can watch her show and not at least smile a little on the inside. That woman is the cheeriest, most genuine person I have ever seen on TV.
She's a little plump (like I expect anyone telling me how great the food is should be) but doesn't ever act like it bothers her. She always has herself together, coordinated on the show, and simply does not make a mistake. She's warm and inviting...with her Savannah accent...she's the stereotype of a perfect Southern mother. Hell, I'd marry one of her sons just to have her as my mother-in-law.
I wouldn't be so convinced she's a genuine delight if I hadn't seen her wedding show. They followed her around as she was preparing to get married. She was excited about marrying her neighbor, overwhelmed with all the preparations, and discouraged about her weight when it came to the dress. Superwoman needed help and even in her moments of frazzle, she reached out for that help without acting like she was losing a part of herself.
And I simply laughed out loud when the woman making the cake offered her a sample..."You offer a fat girl cake, you think she's gonna turn it down?" What woman hasn't said that in her head?
If you haven't seen her show, go watch it. She'll brighten your day.
I hope that someday I can live up to even a fraction what this amazing woman is. And if I had kids, I couldn't think of a stronger, lovelier, more exemplary role model for them (on TV, that is).
Two swipes of the credit card later, I have the rest of my July planned.
Next Thursday I'll be flying back to Cali and staying for 12 glorious days. Most of them near the San Fernando Valley (ick) to sort through stuff the 'rents are storing for me but a few will be spent in beautiful San Diego. Have I mentioned how much I love going home?
Just two days after I return from that adventure I will be whisked off to lovely (?) Jackson, MS via the Memphis airport for a terrific weekend adventure family reunion.
Hopefully I'll still be blogging most of those days. Let me know if you are a blogger in any of these areas that would like to rescue me from my family grab a drink.
Just in case you can't get enough of your fireworks this evening...have some at home from this site! Go click away in the black space on the page.
Just don't let the Gunner's Mate from your local Navy ship get a hold of this... I made that mistake once and he played with it for hours. The boom is kind of nice on the subwoofer though... ENJOY!
I got this e-mail from Capt Bourland in Iraq and could think of no better way to blog about the 4th. What better man to speak of freedom than one who knows what that fight feels like? When I asked him if I could post his letter he replied, "No problem, Go for it. Kick butt and take names." Hehehe...will do...
Happy Fourth of July! You’re Marines are conducting operations throughout Iraq continuing the hunt for insurgents and terrorist so that they will no longer intimidate the US or anyone else. Additionally they continue to rebuild the war torn country and train the Iraqi Army to defend their homeland.
That’s how I was going to start this email until I got a letter from a friend who was injured and returned to the states. He told me how “Around here you wouldn't know a war is going on†and “I really think that we will be an afterthought once we returnâ€. How could that be I thought. I know we are not in the news much except for the quick blurp about “another service member was killed in Iraq today, now for the weatherâ€. As many of you have said why doesn’t the press cover the good stuff of what’s happening there? You guess is as good as mine.
All of the Coalition forces here are kicking butt. Just as our for fathers did when this great country declared its independence July 4th 1776 from Great Britain. Since then America has been going strong and taking names. Your service members go forth and continue to do great things despite of what the general populace is or what people think we should or should not do. We don’t write policy but we are the first to enforce it. I know my friend above probably didn’t see the entire pie but the fact that he saw that piece made an impression. ALL of you are a vital piece in the success of our mission. All of you need to continue to support your troops, fight what is bad and unjust and like our forefathers and stand for what is right. Not just on the 4th of July but all the time. America is the land of the free, and home of the brave. We cant make Iraq or Afghanistan like America overnight but we will establish their country and perhaps make them feel chills when they hear their National Anthem like I do when I hear mine. You can help in doing this by supporting your warriors!
Despite what the press says or how it looks to some when they ask themselves why do we have American forces over there? We are helping other countries to be free, to be One nation indivisible and “a republic for which it stands†so they can be a free country as well. If this takes us kicking terrorist butt to do it, so be it. We are the Marines for the job and our 4th will be special in its own way.
I love this country, what it stands for, and what it will always be, America, land of the free. So when you are celebrating your Fourth of July holiday and watching the fireworks know in you heart that brave men and women will not let you down and we will keep the wolf a bay and keep America free.
Semper Fidelis and God Bless America.
I'm sure this is news to everyone else in the 'sphere but sitting here with my wine tonight I have finally realized why drinking is so beneficial to society...
You simply just don't care quite as much.
I am known to be slightly high strung at times and somewhat overly concerned with what people think of my words and actions. However, Mr. Carolina is right, I am always up for a drink. I'm not quite sure though that Mr. Alabama is right though when he says I am the "Coyote Ugly" chick of grad school with something to prove and always willing to get a little crazy. When I've had even a couple of drinks, I simply don't think about the fact that people may disapprove. Now, that doesn't make me a completely disrespectful bitch or anything...I'm just saying, I feel a little bit better about who I am without the pressures of properness weighing so heavily upon me.
So go, my readers, have a drink...your day will be just a little bit brighter...or at least mine will be...
I was reading Application to Date Me over on The Bisch and saw he asks
15. I like cookies, especially chocolate chip ones. Do you like baking chocolate chip cookies?
I laughed so unexpectedly I almost had green tea come out my nose. I knew guys like fresh baked cookies but wow...
It made me a little sad though. It wasn't that long ago that I spent my spare time baking the day away and my evening packaging the goods up for the guys at my then moocher boyfriend's office. My house always smelled of dutch apple bread, banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, and oreo cheesecakes. I threw some other things in from time to time but those were always big hits. I even took requests.
It came to an end once I got too busy to be suffiently bored enough to bake but I do miss it from time to time. I haven't really had an opportunity to bake for an office since then. I don't ever bake for my own workplace though...it feels too much like begging for their compliments or approval.
*sigh* Those were some good times...
I'm sure this topic is going to be all over the 'sphere tomorrow so I'm not going to go off pontificating about it. I'm just going to sit and smile about it.
Ronald Reagan voted the greatest American of all time
Just makes me all kinds of warm and fuzzy inside.
I had an awesome time this weekend at a moving out party. Good food, lots of people, and plenty of alcohol.
It was a Crown & Coke night for me...and an entire bottle of Crown later I found I had been laid four, yes FOUR times...and while I was at it I managed to get myself into some handcuffs too... Hey, they don't call me whiskey girl for nothin'!
...and afterall, it was in the name of supporting the troops... what can be trashy about that?
Check the extended entry for pics
Well now that you've got the whole picture...what I really meant to say was...I'd been LEI'ED four times.
But it still was patriotic...Red, White, and Blue for our flag, Yellow for our troops.
What kind of dirty girl did you think hope that I was?
If you weren't there, you'll never know for sure...
In cadaver class, my dissection team included a couple of guys who loved to joke around. They were good for a laugh no matter how bad your day was. For the most part their hijinks were innocent and fun...usually...
Split into our 3 pairs, we stood around the body and across from our partner tasked with dissecting the mirror image of our position. During the first couple of sessions we had no idea what we were doing. We had been handed a dissection kit, a smock, surgical gloves, a text book, and told not to screw it up. CRAP!
We were terrified of our instructor - but somehow, not in a bad way. We all loved her and had a huge amount of respect for her...but feared if we pissed her off the wrath she would bring down upon us. We had seen it before. We had heard her yell. We had seen the controlled, carefully selected words she hurled...they always hit their target and she never said something she didn't mean or something she didn't think would benefit the recipient. She was the best thing for us...and we were scared shitless about it...
Adrenaline pumping...scalpel in hand...instructor’s words echoing in my head...I make an incision and pray I didn't cut too deep... Insecurity still coursing through my body. Using tweezers and probes I keep working to remove the necessary tissue... In my head I hear, don't fuck this up, everyone is counting on you...med school is on the line here...for everyone.... None of us are really sure yet how to take the fact that this is a dead woman, not an animal. I slowly begin shutting out the chatter of the other groups and the music playing in the background.... My mind becomes focused on the body before me... I assure myself that I can do this... and I feel a tap on my arm... I twist my head just slightly and look out of the corner of my eye to see who is trying to get my attention... I see the cadaver's hand moving up and down, tapping my forearm. AHHHHH!!! I jumped three feet and dropped my tools. Words could not escape my panicked lips. The voice in my head was screaming, THE DEAD WOMAN MOVED! THE DEAD WOMAN JUST FUCKING MOVED!! The boys fell to the floor laughing...
Josie, who had been dissecting next to me, though it would be funny to tap me with her hand and had gotten the other 3 guys in on the joke. Funny after the fact, but not cool in the moment. Tell me with a straight face you wouldn't damn near wet your pants if a dead woman started moving...
Every girl has every now and again, whether she likes it or not, has serviced her man and then allowed him to perform the money shot... I am no exception...
Having engaged in said activity one day...he got some love in my eye... No big deal, this has happened before... only this time I came out looking like I'd just been in a bar fight... My eye got red and bloodshot, the eyelids were pink and swollen, and it was tender to the touch ... We cleaned up and assured myself the reaction was momentary. We were both dressed, him ready to leave for a job interview, and my eye was still giving me fits. I stood there bleery eyed as he took a picture of the two of us...he was proud of the strength of his little men, I suppose. He went off to interview and I sat to wonder what would become of my eye. How do you explain to the opthamologist that you've got a bit of your man in your eye without turning eight shades of red?
An hour or so later my eye returned to normal...putting my fears of being blinded or having to seek medical attention to rest.
But my advice to the men out there? Be careful with that thing...you'll put someone's eye out!
Yes, Loyal Subject (and people Eric sent over), I have set out to write about cadavers...real live human beings, only they're dead...
Since Eric was so kind as to send traffic my way, I thought I'd give you guys something to read about. After all, no one has won the topless photos yet...
Once upon a time, I was a senior in high school...after much study, kow tow, and ass kissing… I was granted the privilege of dissecting a human cadaver... Let me tell you, it was AWESOME!
The Scene:
An unassuming high school classroom kept just a little bit too cold with an innocent looking wooden cabinet in the back. 4 oddly out of place autopsy tables aligned in the back of the room. 24 high school seniors with far too much curiosity to do them any good.
Day 1: Time to Get Our Bodies
The day began with brownish fluid leaking from the cabinet, covering the floor halfway across the classroom. We didn't have to deal with it...our class didn't meet until after lunch. It was up to the other classes that met in that room to deal with the stinking, putrid fluid. Most of them didn't know what it was...but we did...
The bell rang, we filed in, and divided into our 4 assigned dissection groups. The teacher stood up on a counter top and barked out directions. Group by group we proceed to remove our bodies from the cabinet.
...Group 3...
2 girls, 4 guys, 1 dead chick, and a porcelain table with a drain
We each grab part of the red plastic body bag and heft...Damn this woman is heavy! Our efforts were not evenly distributed and neither was she. Fluid sloshed in the body bag and we struggled to heft her 4 feet off the ground in a coordinated fashion...we almost dropped her a couple of times. She was double bagged but that didn't stop the fluid from finding the path of least resistance...where the zippers met. The fluid also found my cutely manicured toes, primed with the school colors, mistakenly placed that morning in open toed shoes. Finally we got her up where she belonged, but not before we smacked her head on the table in one of the worst thuds I think I've ever heard.
Once everyone was situated we opened up the bag... The smell was something you cannot prepare for. It hit your nostrils deep inside and made you question your real need for oxygen. Our eyes fixed on a 74 year old woman who had donated her body to science...that was nearly floating in the same red-brown delight that was now squished between my toes. The remainder of the day was spent bailing her out...with little plastic drink cups... It took a while before I could drink Kool-Aid again.
We decided she needed a name...being the smallest, yet most fluid filled cadaver in the room... she was dubbed Juicy Lucy
Next time, teenagers with scalpels...Muhahaha
Happy day to all you dads out there...hopefully you got to do something fun with your kids today.
I bought a father's day card a month ago and had its mailing penciled in my schedule...but then it went on vacation in my room somewhere...oops... A phone call had to do instead. But my brother took him to the annual car show in town and, if all went well, bought him a few rounds... Hey, I paid for Mother's Day...lil bro can pay for Father's Day... it's only fair...
And one more Father's Day wish...to my blog daddy... I happen to think he's one of the hippest dads in the 'sphere... I think Christina would agree... but perhaps we're biased. Hope you had a great one wielding some weapons and eating red meat. It wouldn't be an American celebration any other way!
Would you rather live in Town A or Town B?
The choice is easy...
I'll be in the fun place for the next week...so you're on your own unless Eric or Sadie stop by for a visit unannounced...they are the only neighbors with keys but I've decided to leave the house empty. If they stop by...it'll be a treat for you, loyal subjects...try not to miss me too much...
San Diego, I'm a comin home!!
I had been planning a D-day post for several months not but I never got around to drafting one. Obviously from the post earlier this evening, today did not allow for one either. So instead, I shall share a tid bit of my childhood.
Even as a child, I talked to anyone that would listen...especially adults. As a young child, whenever my dad would introduce me to a colleague, a friend, or even a random person at the post office, they would ask how old I was...and I would hold up the (hopefully) appropriate number of fingers. Naturally they would next ask when my birthday was...Don't ask me why I always deferred to my dad, but I did. After I looked to him for approval, I would always excitedly, but somewhat confused, respond with the practiced answer, "I was born on D-Day!" I had NO idea what it meant...I just knew that it meant something important...and what little princess doesn't love being important?
Yes, I'm a D-Day baby...even if is the anniversary and not the day of the invasion.
God bless those of you who were there and Thank you to those that would do it for us again today. We will never forget you and shall keep your memory close to heart, no matter how many years pass by.
Once it cooled off a bit I took the doggie for another walk. He had a bit more energy this time but he was still a little tuckered out. I'm guessing partly from not eating, partly from stress, and still partly from the heat. It was still nearly 80 even in the early evening. I guess that's pretty hot to a Boxer. Anyhow...this is where things started looking up.
We were trotting along and a little black pug barked from across the street. My dog didn't pay him much attention until he barked again and started across the street. This pug didn't have a leash or an owner that he should have been attached to. My dog noticed now. Ordinarily he fights and struggles and howls and cries wanting to play with the other dog. Today though...I urged him forward and kept him focused on the path in front of him. He kept wanting to turn around but I kept him moving forward and a scene was not caused. Hardly a whine, no screams, not nearly even half the struggle he normally puts up. I'm sure it was due in part to the sluggishness but I was very proud of his behavior. He's growing up...
I finally figured out how to keep him a little calmer though, I think...I brought the laptop downstairs (where I can actually get a little bit better signal on the stolen wireless from the neighbors) and I'm on my third movie of the evening. This way he hears the ambient noise he's used to and has the comfort of someone he knows in the same room he's most comfortable sleeping. Understandable that he would be so attached to the loveseat since it's from his old house...I'm just a little tired of being in the same room all day long...
Anyhow...Once we got home he finally decided to eat his food, so long as I turned on the dining room light and sat on the floor next to him. Needless to say, he's not too thrilled with this new house and not having his daddy around. Once his tummy was full though he chased the racquetball a little and finally decided to chew on his hog's ear for a while. He's been a little sad since the other roommate came and left again but he's doing better. So now I know he's just sad and he's not actually sick or anything.
...how much would that suck?..."hey I was dog sitting for you and he got deathly ill...sorry..."
OK...Back to school work with me...
So today I finally find myself dog sitting the way I expected to be for the entire weekend. Unfortunately, it's a lot more boring than I thought it would be. The dog is just pouting that his daddy isn't here and doesn't really care about much. My log shows just how uneventful the day has been...
Task: Eating
Status: Failed
Comments: Subject shows a lack of interest in food and/or treats other than food meant for human consumption which he is not allowed.
Task: Chewing a Hog's Ear
Status: Failed
Comments: Subject has not been observed chewing within the last 72 hours. Interest in hog's ear spikes when roommate comes home but fades within the following 5 minutes.
Task: Neighborhood Walk
Status: Failed
Comments: Subject perked and showed excitement when the leash was attached but quickly lost interest once outside the house. Pace was slow due to heat. Distance was limited to the equivalent of a walk around the block.
Task: Laying in the Grass
Status: Failed
Comments: Subject was curious about my setting up the backyard with a tether, chair, and water bowl but was disinterested once tethered to the tree. Subject stood next to the chair for long periods of time, sometimes whining at nothing, and laying down only to pout. Lying in the grass time was cut short by a red wasp crawling on the subject's back.
Task: Laying/Sleeping on the Loveseat
Status: Success
Comments: Subject prefers to lay on the loveseat most of the time. If not looking out the window, subject is sleeping. Motivation to leave the loveseat includes the excitement of the roommate coming home/packing and the rare interesting smell on the back deck - little else is of interest.
So...this leaves me with plenty else to do. And in a new house, this usually means injuring myself... weee!! Yes, over the course of the past 72 hours I have managed to remove two large chunks of my right foot (on separate occasions), get a finger smashed by a refrigerator drawer, get my ankle whacked by something I don't remember but it hurts so I know it happened, get a finger whacked by a ceiling fan, and bruise my face in two places.
Ain't moving just grand?
I received these photos from a Marine in Iraq that I have been corresponding with and was given his permission to post them here. I could write a long post about why I chose to post these but I think they speak for themselves. If you like them and want to send a comment to him, I'll be sure to pass it along. Enjoy!
So my holiday weekend was, as I mentioned, full of mundane, tedious, and frustrating tasks but it was a productive one...
I helped a friend move his stuff to the area...
I helped someone else drive all over kingdom come looking for a place to move into next weekend. (Which was oh so fun with a codependent dog with severe separation anxiety)...But he found a nice place so it was all worth it in the end...
I got a new aquarium set up with a big, fat, Blue Convict (a type of South American Chiclid) swimming around inside. There were supposed to be two new tanks but the second did not arrive on schedule. It will be set up in the coming weeks with several different types of shark swimming around for my amusement...I'll post some pics of them once they are up and running...
Bought yet another book I will only partially read for my summer school course...
Finished writing my paper for class tonight...
And, the best part of the weekend...the following statements/conversations:
I'm pretty sure that biker bitches have good pussy too...
Driving down the street, just before dusk, in a light drizzle of rain that refuses to go away...
A: (excited) You could have rented that house! (pointing to a large, new looking home, in the middle of a hard to find grassy area)
B: (with overwhelming sarcasm) Yeah...and I could run naked into traffic with butter on my ass...
Ah...the joys of random conversation...
Unfortunately I was not able to perform any ritual or enjoy a celebration this weekend...my time was spent completing much more mundane, tedious, and utterly frustrating tasks. However, I do not want today to go by unnoticed. I saw the rolling thunder and many service related flags and I longed to recognize those who deserve it so much. Instead, I will do my best to honor one man...
Dear Grandpa,
I visited our history last week. The plaques are a little more worn than they used to be but they are still there, overlooking the Ohio River. I was lost and asked for directions - no one hesitated in responding, they knew just who I meant when I asked to see the reminders of our past. It made me proud. Your brother has made a great name for himself as an honest farmer and his son is carrying on in the same tradition. But I'm sure you already know.
Today is a day I stop to thank you for your service to our country. Your service in the Korean War will always be remembered; your service in so many war torn areas ever apparent in their history. The Army knew you as a Lt. Colonel, but your family knew you as a great man. You are now a legend to my generation - something we chase but never entirely grasp. I wish I could hear your stories of life in Germany or Japan after WWII. I wish I could do more to show you how much you mean to our family and so many others. I wish more that I could have met you. You were taken from us all so early, with so much more life to life and so much more soldiering to do.
Thank you for all that you provided to the world, our country, and to my father in the time that we were graced with your life. Maybe you be at peace where ever you are in this world.
Happy Memorial Day!
I realize I don't have the greatest northern assets ever naturally gifted to a woman but today it felt like I do. On at least three occasions I got the "nice rack" look from men today.
It made me smile inside...
Woohoo for boobs!
I don't fly as much as I used to but I've had it up to here with the crap the giant airlines try to pull with their customers. If the prices were lower, I would be more understanding. But when I pay $500 for a flight, I don't expect to be treated like crap. Due to my frustration I've decided to use new airlines as much as I possibly can. For my upcoming trip to San Diego I booked the flight with Independence Air. I've heard good things about them but I was nervous. I haven't even flown on this airline yet and I am loving them more and more.
1. Their site is hella easy to use
2. Their fares are lower
3. They have direct flights were I want to go
4. They assign me a seat (as opposed to Southwest)
5. Their ticket change fee is lower than any other airline
6. It is their policy to give you credit for a fare you cancel (like Southwest)
7. There are no blackout periods for award travel
8. They provide you with estimated wait times at all airports they serve.
And the reason I'm writing this entry...
9. They changed my flight time by 30 mins on the outgoing flight and 10 mins on the returning flight and they e-mailed me to tell me! AND they gave me the option to cancel my ticket because of the change.
These guys are awesome! Go book your next flight with them at www.flyi.com!
Lil Bro has not finally and officially graduated from Washington University with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering and a minor in economics (So proud...he's following in my footsteps on that one).
There were two ceremonies, one Thurs afternoon, the other Fri morning, that were everything graduation should be expected to be...long, drawn out, only semi-organized, but a proud moment for all. On Thurs one of the valedictorians made a very subtle reference/joke about this video which I of course understood and promptly laughed at as my family looked at me in a state of complete and utter confusion. I then discovered I am an 'engi-nerd' for catching the reference. Friday graced us with a speech from Richard Gephardt that rambled on before wrapping up in a 20 min diatribe that made undeniably clear he is cut from the political cloth. I really don't remember much of what he said in specific but I shook my head a lot at the time...so apparently I disagreed with him... It was cold...I was in a short, sleeveless dress...and there was a 'draft' ... my mind was not on his speech... ;o)
Friday night brought the graduation reception for which I did the decorations. People were impressed and loved the custom printed M&M's to commemorate the occasion. My only disappointment about the night was my lack of total inebriation at the end of the night. But, good times were still had by all... tossing mixed nuts across the room to see if they would land in one girl's cleavage... watching my mom play 3 man with the 22 year old... watching my aunt speedily stumble her way from the game of 3 man to various anchor points across the room as she came to join slur in our conversation with stories of my childhood... Lil Bro with confetti in his hair... His friends drunkenly crashing the Boeing party next door (and coming back disappointed over the lack of available women)...
Good times were had in the casino but eventually everyone had lost enough money for the night. We ended up in my cousin's room with a sink full of beer, practicing our 21 skills with cheezits/cheetos/animal crackers until the boys were so worn out they fell asleep one by one at the table. Then it was just me and his wife talking until 5am.
Saturday brought the family together for 'brunch' and then a Budweiser tour for a few of us. We didn't get to see the bottling portion of the plant since there had been a spill a few days before and things hadn't been reopened to the public but there was free, fresh beer at the end so I was willing to forgive them...this time...
Sunday was time to say goodbye...and had in store a rather long drive back to Virginia... it was rather anti-climactic since people were more stressed about packing up Lil Bro’s apartment and getting him moved out but such is to be understood. I only had my feelings hurt for a few minutes until I remembered that I paid very little attention to anyone following my graduation either…(then again, I was somewhat hungover…)
Overall, it was a good trip to see the family and I was very happy to see the aunts & uncles & cousins again. They are definitely the best part of being a member of this family...
I missed the opportunity to blog about this very important day while I was away so I'll do my best to honor our troops in a belated post.
Today we have troops, not just in Iraq, not just in Kuwait, not just in Afganistan, but in many places across the globe. Some may feel forgotten or resent those that march in protest of war. Some may be safer than others and some may be coming home sooner. Some have never had the much desired opportunity to defend our country themselves and wish to join their fellow military overseas but, they cannot. Some long for things we take for granted in our lives.
I've made it back to the East coast... I'm not quite home yet but more important than that...I've made it back to a stable blogging environment...
Thank you goes to Blog-daddy for keeping the loyal subjects entertained in my absence. Great job on the car...it's everything I've been looking for!
Things in St. Louis with the fam went as could be expected but I'll tell you all about that later. Right now I have to go figure out what's wrong with this picture...
I came home to find the blog is in one piece, everything still in its place, and its quiet...too quiet... This is not what I expected to find... No plastic cups strewn about? No strategically placed flowers to cover the scratch on the dining room table? Not even the slightest sign of a drunken smoke filled poker tournament...
I'll have to go figure out what is lurking behind this blanket of peace Eric has so masterfully spread through the place...
...starting with the liquor cabinet...
A few weeks ago I wrote several cards as part of the Any Soldier program and this morning I got an e-mail from a Marine stationed in Iraq. I write specifically to Marines since they are the branch I am most familiar with. Lil Bro K loves to give me crap about that since he's in the Army...always telling me what makes them better and all that good stuff...
Anyhow...it's a moment of excitement for me...(1) the cards are actually getting there, (2) I made a difference in someone's day.
When I wrote the cards I didn't really know what to say but I guess I said something right...
Thank you can go a long way...so go spend the $0.99 on a card and $0.37 on a stamp to tell someone they are missed back home and appreciated so far away...
I don't have too many of these bad boys but I have a couple with some pretty interesting stories. Today we shall visit the story of how I was stabbed...
In high school I was part of a cadaver class - one of seven programs in the country at the time. How I got there is a story for a different day. Anyhow, my dissection group consists of 3 pairs... 1 pair to dissect the head and neck, 1 pair to dissect the trunk, and 1 pair to dissect from the hip downward...I was part of the pair at the south end. Our first task was to remove all of the skin from the body in order to expose the underlying muscle.
Dissection kit full of sharp and pokey things, surgical gloves, and lots of embalming fluid...a dangerous combination...
I had my hands in the inner thigh region trying to remove a panel of skin... My partner was trying to do something similar on her side... Her hand slipped and her scalpel plunged through the skin panel and into my finger. She didn't realize what she'd done and neither did I really. I could feel a deep ache in my finger and a stinging sensation up my arm. I took my hand out of the body and looked at the glove... I saw a cut in the glove but my finger hadn't really started bleeding yet. I went to the sink to check things out and my partner went to get the instructor from the other room. A multitude of chemicals were poured in the wound to prevent some kind of bizarre disease from taking hold of my body and that was it...
The school nurse was no where to be found and we had stopped the bleeding. I went home after school and went about my day with cotton and a band-aid on my finger. When my mom came home and saw it...I was in TROUBLE... I was lectured for the use of bleach to kill any threatening organism we didn't know about and the lack of medical attention. I never got stitches and looking back I most definitely should have... the scare proves that...
I'm damn lucky that nothing more vital was damaged...like a nerve...or a tendon... But I've got a wicked story!
In the course of one day I have managed to accomplish the following projects:
Finish my final assignment of the semester and transport it to its new home with the professor on campus. (I noticed while I was there that the same assignment my friend had turned in early - last Thursday - was still sitting in the inbox to be picked up by the prof...)
Go shopping for something mom's forgotten she asked for and will earn lots of points for remembering. (I got myself a new Japanese book while I was there too...can't go shopping and not get something for yourself)
Solve 4 crises - only 1 of which was mine (which happened to be one I had help from Pops on)...
Put in the works solutions to at least 2 other problems...
Turn a friend on to a new artist...
Damn, it's been a full day! No wonder I'm tired. So please excuse me while I go give myself a pedicure ... I think I've earned one ... and I simply must have dazzling toes as I prance around St. Louis in my strappy heels this weekend....
If you're lucky, I'll even take pics of the little red devils ...
Today I was given a wonderful gift...I was able to meet, in person, my blog father - the Straight White Guy and his lovely wife. We spent a relaxing day perusing memorials and strolling on the Mall. We were also able to see the Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit at the National Gallery of Art before enjoying some delicious seafood and drinks at Legal Seafoods.
For those of you who have not met the SWG but think you know him, think again. He is far more kind and generous than you will ever know from just reading his blog...a true pleasure to meet, to say the least. I'm not sure who the meeting meant more to but I was thrilled to death to play tour guide.
It is no secret that things have been weighing heavily on my shoulders in the past few months but today was just what I needed to unwind a little bit. The weight of the world feels just a little bit lighter and it feels ok to have hope for the world after spending the day with these two wonderful people. They are two whom embody everything that is good in the world...and don't let them tell you any different!
A friend of mine celebrated a birthday a little while back and had a great story to match so I thought I would share it with you... but we'll skip to the good part of the night...
DISCLAIMER: Gross out potential. Oh, and the names have been changed to protect the innocent
Miss Hottie has been drinkin it up and dancing at her favorite local watering hole with her crew...all of them having a kick ass night. Miss Hottie loves to drink so tonight was no different.
Fast forward
Miss Hottie was dancing with her friend Mr. Nice Guy.
"You're spinning me too much," she says.
"I'm not spinning you at all," he replies.
"Oh... I'll be right back," as she takes off for the bathroom.
She books it to the bathroom, busts open a stall door, and before she can kneel or even lift the seat she loses it ... with perfect aim. She turns to the sink, rinses her mouth out, and returns to her crew. Mr. Nice Guy took her for a couple more spins before closing time.
Mr. Nice Guy was her designated driver as well. So guess what happens on the way home. She pulls a "Dan."
Leaned back in the seat, eyes closed, she says (in her best drunk slur), "whoa...you took that curve waaay too fast."
Both amused and confused Mr. Nice Guy says, "no I didn't."
A few minutes go by...they are almost to their exit.
"Yeah, you're gonna want to pull over," she warns.
So Mr. Nice Guy pulls over to the side of the freeway and Miss Hottie opens the truck door, leans out (still buckled in), and loses it on the side of the road...with perfect aim.
Mr. Nice Guy gets her up to her apartment where her roommate has her pajamas all ready laid out on her bed for her. But first stop? The bathroom...where she loses it yet again.
Mr. Nice Guy leaves, everyone goes to sleep. She wakes up in the middle of the night and heads to the bathroom. Yep, she's chucking in there. Crawl back to bed and try to get some sleep.
She wakes up in the morning and can't even think of food. When she does, she heads to the bathroom and loses it another time. (Are you keeping count here?)
Unfortunately for her, she had a Doctor's appointment that morning. And she had to take a shuttle bus to get to it. Sux for her. So she arrived at the office, checked in with the receptionist, and promptly found their bathroom so she could chuck one final time.
I sent flowers to her office and a card to her house but in case you're like my brother and forgot to send something... there's still time! You can send the same Mother's Day greeting he did, Mr. T style.
Go watch it HERE on ifilm.com
Don't ask me why, but I love this dance. I miss it. A lot. The only problem is I only about half know it. I seem to have a terrible ability to forget dance steps. I'd kill for someone who could teach me more of them. And I long for the days when practicing was as easy as going a couple exits down the freeway.
Where have you gone cowboy?
Today has been a fun, fun day.
My director has been giving me troubles over a class I want to take and it’s been severely chapping my hide. Well I've been talking to the instructor and he made statements about the course contrary to what the director did. So what happened? I made the instructor aware of the restrictions the director was putting on the course and he replied with "Let me speak with him and I'll get back to you." Hahaha...it's always a good day when I can rock the boat with the administration.
What else made my day so fabulous, you ask? I'm getting fingerprinted! In a good way. I've been selected as an alternate candidate for an internship in the fall and they are going to work on a clearance for me in case I end up getting it. Woohoo!
Good times, dear readers…good times…
Short story: Norfolk was AWESOME!
Long Version:
18 students and 1 Navy Commander (currently attached to our program) met outside our building on campus and away we went for a grand adventure through Virginia. It took less than the 4 hrs to get there that we had planned for and I managed to get a little bit more sleep on our little bus.
We got to the base and checked out the ships for a bit before lunch. We headed to Breezy Point Officer's Club and parked ourselves to enjoy the view...I mean have a nice meal.
Then came the tour of aircraft carrier #71, the USS Theodore Roosevelt. We had a very nice female public affairs officer and a weapons officer take us around the ship and show us all kinds of nifty things. The mural painted on one of the hanger bay doors was sweet and the ship's moose & museum were informative. We had an especially good time trying not to kill ourselves on all the ladders too. The views from the navigation deck and the flight deck were pretty dramatic and awe inspiring. Finally getting to see the Ouija board was damn rad too!
Next was the tour of the submarine, the USS Albany. The pier guard didn't know we were coming so there was a little confusion for a moment. Then someone from the sub that did know we were coming came out and bitched at the guard for leaving the Commander out in the rain with the rest of us. He he he... Apparently only the Officers of the sub knew we were coming and they failed to mention it to the rest of the crew. Things were sort of messy since they were doing maintenance but I think the Commander was the only one that really cared. Anyhow - We had to break into two groups for the tour - I was in the second so I got rained on a little more. Our tour guide was great. He was a torpedo guy that was proud of his ship. We got a much less technical and more 'this is how things are' type tour from him. People in different areas explained their jobs to us in their words and what their life on the ship is like. We BS'd around with those guys forever. They were great at answering all of our questions, showing off the equipment, and entertaining the crowd. Oh, and flirting with the 6 or 7 women...
We all walked away from the day feeling very privileged to have been allowed on such magnificent ships.
It was a good day, my friends...a good day...
I am so hatin life right now...
3 hrs sleep, delirious, and grouchy...
In fact, I'm ready to kill the person that invented this time of day...
Anyhow, I am off to play with some Navy boys today.
I'll let you know how it went, once I get back.
So some college student created a hollow glass in some fancy schmancy way to prevent drinks from being spiked at a club. CNN will tell you all about it if you like. But is such technology really necessary? I say no.
In fact, I found my own solution to this problem and successfully implemented it several years ago. I call my invention 'The Shot.' Perhaps you've heard of it? From what I can tell it is all the rage with concerned citizens such as myself. And its not just for women - men need to be concerned as well (just look at what Norway is coming to these days...)
Here's how it works:
1. You go order your alcohol of choice - in my case this is generally tequila, Jaeger, or whiskey.
2. The bartender pours it in a glass.
3. You immediately drink it.
Unless your bartender is in on a scam against you - you're good. Have your drink and no worries when Mr. Dreamy comes by to ask you to dance. Nothing to hold when that perfect song comes on and you simply MUST dance with your girls. Or, when Mr. Creepy comes by he can no longer ask what you’re drinking and offer to buy you another. If he offers to buy a drink anyway you simply say, my friend is bringing one, sorry.
All drink, no spike. Problem solved.
If you don't like the taste of your favorite alcohol straight, have no fear - there is still a shot for you...and they have all kinds of cute names so you can still be feminine about your drink (if you so choose). If you aren't into cute names then just go for it straight. Ladies, this sometimes has the added bonus of catching additional male attention, assuming you can hold your liquor. Nothing says tigress like a hot babe that can hold her own at the bar - men love a challenge.
Bring on the good times Ladies & Gents...its all about the shot!
See? I'm not just homesick...I belong there
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
75% San Diego |
70% Honolulu |
60% Las Vegas |
60% Miami |
60% Portland |
It's amazing how much one little song can bring up in your memory...and that's just what happened as I sat here working on my research.
Last summer I went out with my friends and had one of the most memorable and fantastic nights of my life. That night we danced to No Doubt's version of "It's My Life" and I don't think I will ever forget how much fun it was.
Tell me we don't look like we're having a great night...
Though none of you know him, congrats go to the boytoy today. He has officially accepted a job as a new government employee. The bastard gets his student loans paid off and everything! Not that I'm jealous...
Unfortunately, now that all the hurry up to find out is over the wait for the clearance to go through is here. But being former military, he's familiar with the process of hurry up and wait.
Congrats on being a Govie!
One of my very best friends is graduating from college this June and I finally have my plane tickets to go see her.
Arrive Friday, June 10
Depart Wednesday, June 15
Get ready San Diego cuz I'M COMIN HOME!
*sticky post*
Well this is a little bit late in coming by now but I'll go for it anyway
Welcome to A Swift Kick & A Band-Aid!
I hope to make this my 4th and final home on the web.
But before you go and read anything else - some major thank you's are in order:
First, to Jim (Snooze Button Dreams). He got me set up in a mighty speedy fashion and was very helpful in the process. Without him and his organizing, I wouldn't have this new home.
Next, to Sadie (Fist Full of Fortnights). She has spent god only knows how many countless hours working with me on the design. She deserves a medal just for putting up with my pain in the ass self as long as she has. And another for being so fun and friendly doing it. Hopefully she won't give up on me just yet. I love the new look and never could have achieved it on my own. If you like the new diggs, all design credits go straight to her!
Finally, to Eric (Straight White Guy). This could be the biggest thank you of them all. I owe my munu nomination to this guy. I owe my connection to designer Sadie to this gentleman, as well. He has answered question after question in my state of real blogger ignorance. And an even bigger thanks for the number of times his kind and supportive words have tamed my demons and/or unknowingly pulled me from the brink of abandoning blogdom altogether.
Unfortunately, I'm terrible at expressing my gratitude adequately enough, especially in written form. Hopefully you three understand what my babbling has been trying to say. And just for good measure, if you guys are ever in the DC Metro/NoVA area, let me know - several rounds are deservingly on me!
*sticky post*
I went for a hike out at Great Falls today with a friend and his dog. Got my blood pumping pretty good in some places. Over all, the water was one of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen. Though, there’s not a chance of it beating the glorious sight of my lovely city as I fly in back home.
But I'm a dolt...I forgot my camera. My friend didn't tell me until after we had left that this was a scenic hike. I'd never been there before so I figured it was some trail with a bunch of trees, not much more. My bad.
Good excuse to go back though!
On the train on my way home things were a little busy. I wasn't in the best of moods (thank you migraine) and that prospect of a packed train did not thrill me. I had my headphones on and a book in my hand, looking at the ground as I impatiently waited for the slowest people on the planet to clumsily exit the train with their suitcases. I got on and was immediately confronted with someone much larger than myself - the dreamiest Irishman I've seen in a long time. He was headed toward the last seat and offered it to me instead. It was next to his friend so I politely declined and took his place standing near the door instead. The accent was heaven to listen to as he chatted with is friends and I read my research. The ride home wasn't so bad after all. God bless the Irish!
Funny how simple things can change your day, even for just a few moments.
I LOVE this stuff!! I like Vietnamese, I like Thai, but Malaysian...YUM!
I just finished my leftovers from my visit to the Malaysian restaurant across the street from my old office downtown and I couldn't be happier. (Ok, I would be happier if there weren't a pile of work on my desk and I weren't going to sleep alone tonight but whatever...) And I even made some fresh, sticky, steaming rice to go with it. :o)
How do I always forget how phenomenal the food is until I taste it again? I have absolutely no idea how authentic the food really is but I don't really care. I know what I like and I like what they've got. *drool*
I went to the sakura matsuri (cherry blossom street festival) this weekend and had a great time. It was SO sunny (but not too hot). I got myself just a little sunburned though... (OW)
I saw a lot of vendors and performances that reminded me of my time in Japan. A little bit of it even made sort of misty-eyed...but I got over that when I saw these guys. I LOVE taiko drummers! They even had their dance team with them. Good stuff!!
We took a stroll over to the tidal basin after that and checked out the trees that start it all, way back when.
At first I wasn't much interested because trees are trees, right? No, these trees really are that cool. And even though I had seen them before, it was magnificent to walk through them...Especially knowing they only bloom 7-10 days per year. There is just something awe inspiring about being under their delicate canopy.