September 15, 2005

Big Brother

Turns out I'm being watched. That's right, Mr. Op/Ed Professor has himself an evil, nasty, bottom feeding, scum sucking, bitch snitch keeping watch over those that dare speak out against him.

I received an email from Mr. Op/Ed Professor today protesting that he does in fact have the ability to be objective in the classroom. So did that make my experience to the contrary just a case of simple unwillingness? Since he so clearly states he has the ability...

I'll keep you updated - and if I suddenly don't graduate, I think we'll all know why...

Posted by Princess Cat at September 15, 2005 11:49 PM @ 11:49 PM in Good Times // Permalink | TrackBack

Wow...does he realize that by watching you that he is personifying 1984? I thought liberals were against that...

Posted by: Dorothy at September 16, 2005 07:29 AM