July 27, 2005

Silver Side of Life

I take it all back... July has actually brought to me some really good things... it wasn't until this afternoon that I finally realized it.

Sure, the accident sucked - but not one was really hurt...the drama after the accident isn't resolved yet - but it could be worse... the A/C being out sux but I am leaving again tomorrow - and I haven't had to endure it for the past week like my roommate has.

I was able to spend 2 weeks with mom and only once argue with her...
I was able to spend 2 weeks in town and not fight with Lil Bro...
KS came back into my life ...

And the best news of all I'll share with you all a little later... the real world gets to find out first. But come back in a few hours and you'll have the scoop too.

Posted by Princess Cat at July 27, 2005 04:49 PM @ 04:49 PM in Good Times // Permalink | TrackBack

So a friend of mine is getting married on Saturday August 27th in the evening. She lives in Maryland. I will be driving to see her. Maybe we could have coffee or lunch or something?

If not, that's cool.

Posted by: Dorothy at July 27, 2005 06:54 PM