May 31, 2005

Holiday Weekend

So my holiday weekend was, as I mentioned, full of mundane, tedious, and frustrating tasks but it was a productive one...

I helped a friend move his stuff to the area...

I helped someone else drive all over kingdom come looking for a place to move into next weekend. (Which was oh so fun with a codependent dog with severe separation anxiety)...But he found a nice place so it was all worth it in the end...

I got a new aquarium set up with a big, fat, Blue Convict (a type of South American Chiclid) swimming around inside. There were supposed to be two new tanks but the second did not arrive on schedule. It will be set up in the coming weeks with several different types of shark swimming around for my amusement...I'll post some pics of them once they are up and running...

Bought yet another book I will only partially read for my summer school course...

Finished writing my paper for class tonight...

And, the best part of the weekend...the following statements/conversations:

I'm pretty sure that biker bitches have good pussy too...

Driving down the street, just before dusk, in a light drizzle of rain that refuses to go away...
A: (excited) You could have rented that house! (pointing to a large, new looking home, in the middle of a hard to find grassy area)
B: (with overwhelming sarcasm) Yeah...and I could run naked into traffic with butter on my ass...

Ah...the joys of random conversation...

Posted by Princess Cat at May 31, 2005 04:12 PM @ 04:12 PM in Good Times // Permalink