July 16, 2005

Got Balls?

As we were leaving the Dodger game tonight (and dodging traffic on our way back to the car) I crossed paths with a big black truck given a hefty lift...an obvious dune junkie...with lots of badass paraphernalia...and a big set of black balls hanging off the back...

It was the funniest thing I saw all night...

So, does your ride got balls?

Posted by Princess Cat at July 16, 2005 03:30 AM @ 03:30 AM in Good Times // Permalink | TrackBack

BWAH!! I saw that on a truck here in St. Louis not too long ago and it cracked me up. I love that there are people in the world who find it perfectly acceptable to attach a big pair of balls to their truck. I should totally get a truck...

Posted by: sayunderpants at July 18, 2005 10:43 AM