December 07, 2005

Permission Denied

Maybe you had to be there, but the woman I was talking to at the time found this conversation uproaringly funny...

Her: I think we are overwhelming them a bit

Me: Yeah, I think so too. Even when I walked up to meet them and it was just me, they seemed a little overwhelmed with the situation. I mean, come on... I'm just the intern...

Her: I don't know why... It's not like we bite... hard...

Me: I know... I'm not even authorized for that here!

I know, I know... I'm such a dork...

Posted by Princess Cat at December 7, 2005 07:55 PM @ 07:55 PM in Good Times // Permalink | TrackBack

I'm not going to even dare make a comment about female interns. I'm just NOT!


Posted by: zonker at December 7, 2005 11:53 PM