I had an awesome time this weekend at a moving out party. Good food, lots of people, and plenty of alcohol.
It was a Crown & Coke night for me...and an entire bottle of Crown later I found I had been laid four, yes FOUR times...and while I was at it I managed to get myself into some handcuffs too... Hey, they don't call me whiskey girl for nothin'!
...and afterall, it was in the name of supporting the troops... what can be trashy about that?
Check the extended entry for pics
Well now that you've got the whole picture...what I really meant to say was...I'd been LEI'ED four times.
But it still was patriotic...Red, White, and Blue for our flag, Yellow for our troops.
What kind of dirty girl did you think hope that I was?
If you weren't there, you'll never know for sure...
Whoowee! You are one fine looking babe. Makes me wish I was young again. Looking good sweetie!
Posted by: assrot at June 28, 2005 08:29 AMI'd like to second that "woweee!"
I'd also like to mention that I'm touching myself in a very bad place right now, but I'm too much of a gentleman for that.
Posted by: skippystalin at June 28, 2005 01:45 PMDamn...how f-ed up is it that I thought you actually meant LAID...and I was sitting here wondering if it was 4 times from the same guy or 4 different guys or somewhere in between...then I clicked and OOPS! My bad!
Posted by: Dorothy at June 28, 2005 04:41 PMDorothy,
I was in my late twenties before I found out that not all men can go four times a night. I suppose learning that I'm physically superior to 98% of the male population should have made me feel better about myself, but it didn't. Instead, I felt just a little emptier inside.
Of course, my girlfriends never minded all that much. In fact, several were left grinning like the fucking Joker. But it still didn't help me.
I wonder if Sting feels this way too?
Posted by: skippystalin at June 28, 2005 07:45 PMWell, the guys that can't make it 4 times just aren't eating their wheaties
I was actually going to ask her, if she had done it 4 times, how she didn't get dehydrated. I mean, HELLO, that's a lot of fluid to generate and then lose.
Posted by: Dorothy at June 29, 2005 03:17 PMHere I was getting all jealous, I haven't gotten laid four times in the past year! Dammit. But I did get lei'd a few times last February. And probably will again in a couple of weeks. Gotta love those business trips to Hawaii.
Posted by: TheBisch at June 30, 2005 11:19 AM