May 31, 2006


I feel a little odd about my trip to NYC ...

This is the first time in I can't think of how long that I went on a trip and didn't at least buy postcards with the intention to send them. Usually I at least mean to send them even if I don't quite get around to it.

This time I bought a package of panoramic postcards as mementos of my trip, but none for my friends. I keep telling myself it is alright since I also forgot to write their addresses down on paper before I left town ...

... but still ... I miss the idea of the smile people get when they find something unexpected and personal in their mailbox at the end of the day

Posted by Princess Cat at May 31, 2006 02:26 PM @ 02:26 PM in Good Times // Permalink | TrackBack

You can order some over the internet, or so I've heard...

Posted by: Ogre at May 31, 2006 02:51 PM

alright, I get it... I didn't send a postcard from SF. I actually looked for postcards in WV but couldn't find ANY.

You'll get something with next week's travels.

Posted by: RSM at May 31, 2006 10:32 PM

Ya know, if I recall, I sent you one from my drive across the US didn't I? Mmm owe me a smile!

Posted by: Dorothy at June 1, 2006 07:42 PM

I buy postcards at a vacation destination to get hints on what I want to get photos of. I used to send them to people all the time, but no one ever acknowledged them, so I stopped.

Posted by: Barry at June 4, 2006 09:48 AM