A few weeks ago I wrote several cards as part of the Any Soldier program and this morning I got an e-mail from a Marine stationed in Iraq. I write specifically to Marines since they are the branch I am most familiar with. Lil Bro K loves to give me crap about that since he's in the Army...always telling me what makes them better and all that good stuff...
Anyhow...it's a moment of excitement for me...(1) the cards are actually getting there, (2) I made a difference in someone's day.
When I wrote the cards I didn't really know what to say but I guess I said something right...
Thank you can go a long way...so go spend the $0.99 on a card and $0.37 on a stamp to tell someone they are missed back home and appreciated so far away...
Posted by Princess Cat at May 18, 2005 09:59 AM @ 09:59 AM in Good Times // Permalink