June 21, 2006

F U Monster

I've set up a little search agent with Monster.com that is supposed to e-mail me with jobs I might be interested in. So, I open my email this morning and find one from them. I think to myself, "Cool. Maybe today I'll find something more than I did yesterday." It is a service that would be really helpful to job seekers ...

... if the information were timely!

The email this morning told me all about a two day job fair, that ended yesterday.

Thanks a lot, Dickwads. You were a huge help on that one.

Posted by Princess Cat at June 21, 2006 12:43 PM @ 12:43 PM in SSDD // Permalink | TrackBack

Good Luck Cat.

I hate those "job notification" emails. Never right.

One hint though - remember to "refresh" your resume on all of the job boards you use at least 1x a week. Otherwise your resume gets buried.

Posted by: Tammi at June 23, 2006 11:50 AM