October 17, 2005

Hate to Love

I hate to love the things that make me cry... but I love them so much!

...too often that means TV and movies that leave me in tears.

They are my favorite shows and my favorite characters, but they are an emotional rollercoaster I really don't need to be putting myself on day in and day out.

For years ER has managed to poke at the little pieces of emotional shrapnel embedded in my heart, sometimes twisting it enough to leave me with vision too blurred to see the rest of the episode and a pile of tissues I'm later too disgusted to admit are actually mine.

Sisters could get me once in a while when it was on the air... I think I've even fallen victim to the soaps a time or two...

Recently Grey's Anatomy has also taken up that role. So far it has just been a tear or two in the closing scenes, but I fear what could happen if the writers tap any farther into my bruised psyche.

This is one of those few times where damn, it sucks to be a girl...

Posted by Princess Cat at October 17, 2005 07:15 AM @ 07:15 AM in Random Much? // Permalink | TrackBack

I don't ever seem to watch TV. I get this feeling that I'm not missing a thing though.

Posted by: Dick at October 17, 2005 08:35 AM

I love, love, LOVE Grey's Anatomy and ER. Savage beasts -- if the dialogue and/or situations don't get'cha, they always manage to find the right song to lead us to the edge and push us off of it. Seriously, Puffs and Kleenex should be taking advantage of a marvelous advertsing opportunity with those shows.

Posted by: dawn at October 17, 2005 09:01 PM

Sisters used to get to me. Mostly because Georgie reminds me so much of my Mom...even looks like her.

Posted by: Joan at October 19, 2005 12:45 PM