I've never used Wachovia bank so I can't say from personal experience what kind of service they provide. Based on this, I'm guessing it's not so good...
Location: A sign shop on a main road known for slow commuter traffic
The lesson? Don't piss off a sign shop or they'll make a sign big enough for everyone stuck in traffic on their way to/from work and everyone out doing their errands on Sunday afternoon to see...
Posted by Princess Cat at October 10, 2005 12:39 PM @ 12:39 PM in Hilarity // Permalink | TrackBackI can honestly say: Wachovia was one of the MOST miserable banking experiences in my life, insult upon insult until finally one day after an additional $660 in overdraft charges in a single day (which was their error, count it: 22 overdrafts in a single day? huh?) and the manager threatened to have the police throw me out when I demanded to meet directly with her to go over it, including all my documentation.
I have heard similar things from a number of people around here.
(hey blog-sis)
Posted by: RSM at October 11, 2005 12:45 AMWachovia absorbed our friendly neighborhood bank and things went to hell in a hurry. In less than a year we said adios and found a new place to do business.
Posted by: Ted at October 13, 2005 05:03 PM