October 09, 2005

Blogs Are Good...

After all my troubles with the head of my department and this blog, another faculty member has published an article espousing the benefits of blogging. This professor is a representation of the opposite side of academics publishing their opinions than the one I have previously blogged about here - He has a point, he argues it articulately, and maintains professionalism throughout. I am proud to say he is representing our institution in the public eye.

The article itself references the importance of academic blogs in multiple disciplines and closes by saying blogs should be embraced wholeheartedly. Here is the link so you can read for yourself what he has to say.

Posted by Princess Cat at October 9, 2005 12:33 PM @ 12:33 PM in Grad School // Permalink | TrackBack

That was a pretty good article.

Posted by: dick at October 10, 2005 08:35 AM