April 19, 2005

Ghost of Lil Bro

I don't see lil bro more than once or twice a year, I suppose. I'll see him next month for his graduation from college but I haven't seen my brother since Christmas. He looked the way I remembered him....Big dude, slightly overweight but well carried due to his natural muscle and big bone structure.

He sent me a recent picture the other day and my jaw dropped. He doesn't look hardly a thing like the brother I know. He's lost a lot of weight but not in a good way. He's a ghost of who he once was. He looks unwell.

I've always known how insecure he is but I never knew it would present itself like this. In the picture you can see how uncomfortable he is and how badly he needs the approval of those around him. There is insecurity oozing from every pixel.

Never before have I been so sad for him. And never before have I been so powerless to help. My efforts would make it worse - he resents me and everything in my life.

Posted by Princess Cat at April 19, 2005 11:26 PM @ 11:26 PM in SSDD // Permalink

Wow...that's sad. Do you think he's starving himself? I'd think if he was engaging in exercise bulimia that he wouldn't look ghost-like.

How sad.

Posted by: Dorothy at April 20, 2005 09:21 PM