April 12, 2005

Evil Pickles

It was my long night on campus so I was most definitely tired and hungry when I got home. My food was heating in the microwave but I was hungry NOW. So I reached into the fridge and found Japanese pickles...Mmmmm. But, in my haste to tame the angry stomach the struggle with the plastic container was much more difficult than it should have been. Then the mutherf*cker sliced my finger clean open!
So now I've temporarily got a band-aid on my finger to keep pressure on it so it will seal. I can't leave it on their too long though or I'll get a giant red welt. Why? Well...from best I can tell...I'm allergic to band-aid adhesive. Odd, I know. Kind of ironic about the blog title then too, huh? hehe

Posted by Princess Cat at April 12, 2005 11:15 PM @ 11:15 PM in SSDD // Permalink

Superglue is really good for that kinda thing, especially once you get the bleeding stopped....

Posted by: Julz at April 13, 2005 03:53 PM