April 12, 2005

Dot Com

I'm thinking of going to the land of the dot com and have no idea where to start.

While I was out this weekend a guy heard me talking about my blog and asked for the address....the mu.nu was confusing to him. I love munu and all my munu neighbors - I just want people in the real world to be able to find this place (and all of you by association...YAY blogrolls!)

So - anyone want to point me in a helpful direction?

Posted by Princess Cat at April 12, 2005 12:04 PM @ 12:04 PM in Bloggy Stuff // Permalink

You registered aswiftkick.mu.nu right? You had to pay for it?

Wait...maybe you didn't. Someone owns the MU in the mu.nu....nevermind.

I was going to suggest that you buy aswiftkick.com and have it redirected here...still might work...

An idea.


Posted by: USMC_Vet at April 13, 2005 02:11 AM

I'll see what I can find out--I know we've got some Munuvians with both mu.nu's and .com's (Snooze Button Dreams, for instance).

Posted by: Victor at April 14, 2005 07:38 AM