So, I find myself reading books that came from blogs instead of reading actual, um ... blogs. It feels really strange, to be perfectly honest.
On the other hand, it has renewed my interest in this blog ... who knows to what end at this point. I don't really seem to stick to much of anything these days, now do I?
I laugh at the stories these women are telling, thinking to myself ... I should get in on this racket - I'm funny ... While at the same time thinking ... Why on earth would anyone read a book of my life ... and why am I reading one about theirs?
So ... you tell me? What's it gonna take to get this junk in print so I can afford that damn laptop I am still drooling over?
Posted by Princess Cat at January 1, 2008 08:29 PM @ 08:29 PM in Bloggy Stuff // Permalink | TrackBackI find myself reading books much less than I used fact, I'm thinking of taking a blog break to read a couple of important books just out and forthcoming.
Hope you're having a great holiday!
Posted by: americaneocon at January 1, 2008 09:55 PMsit your butt in a chair and write. Then write well. Then get it published. Then get paid.
Posted by: RSM at January 1, 2008 10:09 PMWhat RSM said... and Happy New Year!!!
Posted by: Teresa at January 2, 2008 12:13 AMHey I remember sending you those lyrics......
Posted by: Jesse at January 7, 2008 06:34 PM