August 21, 2006

One of The Most Reproduced Photographs

The man who captured fantastic iconic patriotism, determination, and pride that will live on for ages is gone.

Joe Rosenthal, the photographer who shot the Iwo Jima Flag-raising, dies at 94.

The Iwo Jima statue in Arlington, Virginia has always been one of my favorite. It has touched and inspired me in ways not much else ever could.

No matter how many times I visit the statue or look at a picture taken from Mr. Rosenthal's photo, in my mind's eye, that chance photograph represents everything America stands for. My heart feels the struggle, the teamwork, the survival, the courage, and the duty that those men, symbols for many more, carried with them. And I am proud.

Posted by Princess Cat at August 21, 2006 11:35 PM @ 11:35 PM in Milblogging // Permalink | TrackBack