June 15, 2006

Enter Rat Tribble, Stage Left

After what was relayed as a night of one too many ... my dad is now the proud owner of a "cute," young, expensive purse dog. Yes, a purse dog.

A PURSE DOG... A 10 week old Yorkie to be specific ...

I'd feel sorry for him and shake my head in sympathy for the poor bastard, except he did this to his own damn self. I don't think the wicked step-mother knew it was happening or was even there to directly influence him. There's just no poor bastard about it at that point.

And to top it off, not one person in my family likes yappy dogs.

I think we're all starting to lose just a little bit of respect for the man we believed him to be ... I mean, come on ... this is worse than getting a cat ...

Posted by Princess Cat at June 15, 2006 11:18 PM @ 11:18 PM in All Things Evil // Permalink | TrackBack

Ahem. Don't go around insulting rats, missy! Those little pursedogs are more correctly (condescendingly) referred to as tribbles, not rats!

Posted by: Victor at June 16, 2006 07:49 AM

A dog is a dog is a dog. Doesn't matter what size, they all have the heart and courage of a lion when they need to.

Posted by: Ted at June 19, 2006 05:51 AM