January 10, 2006

Marcus Vick

Can we PLEASE get this douche off the news?

Sure, he can QB ... I'll give him credit for his skills ... But that's where it stops.

He's been nothing but a big basket of legal trouble for himself and for VA Tech for far too long. Not to mention a huge embarassment to his brother, Michael. I'm constantly surrounded by Hokies and every one of them has said good riddance to bad garbage since Marcus got himself kicked off the team.

And when fans care more about how much a douche you are than how they will win next seasons games, you've got to be a seriously big douche...

I mean, seriously... He gets kicked off the team, pulls this crap about 'screw - you - I'm - just - going - to - go - pro - and - then - you'll - see,' and now he's arrested for brandishing a firearm... Way to go, Fucktard... way to go...

Someone just throw this dumbass in jail for a little while and save us all the annoyance of having to change the channel everytime a new charge gets added to his record. Maybe being somebody's bitch for a few years will readjust his attitude a little bit.

I think Marcus is in for a rude awakening in the draft and the NFL... I knew a guy with exactly the same attitude once. Threatened to transfer to a rival college because coach didn't let him play his kind of ball. He eventually made it to the NFL... but he only lasted a couple of years on one team, a couple of years on another, and within six he was out ... no fame, no notoriety, no one knew who the hell he was ... Served him right.

Posted by Princess Cat at January 10, 2006 02:48 AM @ 02:48 AM in All Things Evil // Permalink | TrackBack

Yes, he is an embarassment for Mike Vick. I mean, come on, Mike has enough to be worrying about after this disappointing season here in ATL.

Posted by: Dorothy at January 10, 2006 06:54 AM

When he first got started, I was thinking that it would be cool to have him make it to the next level, like his brother. Especially when folks were certain that he was more athletic than Mike.

After seeing his shitty attitude, and the crap he's pulled, I could care less. I hope he's stuck playing Indoor Football.

Posted by: That 1 Guy at January 10, 2006 09:41 AM

Didn't Ron Mexico already disown his brother for his previous acts of extreme stupidity. Look for brother Marcus to play for the Raiders, he'd fit right in. He'd also be the first Raiders player with more felonies than the average Raider fan.

Posted by: the Pirate at January 10, 2006 12:12 PM

I've actually had the opportunity to meet both Michael and Marcus. Where Michael seemed confident, Marcus seemed arrogant. Michael humble, Marcus condescending. He's in for a huge dose of reality come draft day. Anyone remember Lawrence Phillips???

Posted by: spurs at January 10, 2006 02:49 PM

Yes, but just like TO, some team will pick him up. You know they will. Probably the Raiders, he'll fit in there.

Posted by: Contagion at January 11, 2006 09:52 PM