January 09, 2006

Just Don't Steal My Panties

As I was helping The Blogless Wonder get ready to leave town, I noticed three of my T-shirts were in his laundry. Not T-shirts that I had worn that later found their way into his laundry, T-shirts that he had borrowed from my dresser and later put in his laundry. Then I noticed a sweatshirt of mine ... a pair of my socks ... my fleece...

And then I realized, if dudes are starting to steal my clothes ... my wardrobe is far too unisex and consists of far too many 'fat clothes'

I think it's time to go shopping...

Posted by Princess Cat at January 9, 2006 03:16 PM @ 03:16 PM in SSDD // Permalink | TrackBack

yeah, what was up with that? I was much happier stealing stuff when you had a lot more girlie stuff in your dresser... ooops!

Posted by: RSM at January 9, 2006 03:44 PM