November 09, 2005

Just Hit Me...

I'm serious. The next time I put up a post about how its going to be a good day and things are looking up ... just hit me (or spank me...if you've passed the interview...)

It was an all around bizzare, twilight zone kind of day.

Several people emailed me with their Wednesday woes that seemed like they could only happen on such an evil day.

The Queen of Perfectionism (um, yeah, that's me) screwed up some number at work last week and the results have already been published to the entire office. D'oh!

Captain Parachute (yeah, that's my boss... he's always threatening to jump out the window) decided to doubt my number running abilities as a result of the aforementioned screw up and wants to trash the entire system of calculation. Bastard!

Had a series of brain freezes while running one of my weekly reports which prompted a series of stupid questions. Has someone stamped 'Schmuck' on my head yet?

Captain Parachute fell asleep last night and didn't do his homework for class (oh, he's 26 and in a Masters program too) so he asked me to do part of it. Which I wasn't really comfortable with, but I did since I finished all of my work by 11am. And then when I went to lunch and didn't get it done early enough he acted like I was being a slack ass. Fucker!

Class was lame (as usual) but especially shitty because the guy who was supposed to present wasn't there. He had some kind of family crisis and has actually withdrawn from the program all together.

The cable guy did come to fix the digital box but it didn't really make up for the rest of the day.

Posted by Princess Cat at November 9, 2005 11:09 PM @ 11:09 PM in SSDD // Permalink | TrackBack

Spank you?
If I must....

Posted by: dick at November 10, 2005 08:34 AM

Hit or Spank....
That's kind of like the hump or death question. Of course if I was Iron Mike there would be no 'spank' option.

Posted by: the Pirate at November 10, 2005 12:24 PM

Yay, spanking!

Posted by: Ogre at November 10, 2005 04:00 PM

I think if you've been THAT bad.. um... you should spank me, mistress.

Posted by: RSM at November 10, 2005 06:56 PM