August 24, 2005


Before MuNu took an unscheduled vacation, a friend pointed out how tacky my donation button might seem to some of my readers. I didn't understand. He pointed out my two trips to San Diego earlier this year, my recent trip to LA, and the most recent trip to Mississippi as examples of his point - how dare I ask my readers for money to do even more traveling?

Well... maybe he's got a point. I guess it could be a bit in poor taste given all those other travels.

My only defense was the fact that when I go to see family, family pays...that made LA and Mississippi on their dime. My trip to San Diego in June was my birthday present.

When it is for me and for my fun, the bill comes to my door just like it does to anyone else's. It isn't like me to ask for anything from others and I'm still not sure what possessed me to do it. But it is like anything else on this blog, if it doesn't strike you the right way, read the next post instead - maybe it will be more up your alley.

Posted by Princess Cat at August 24, 2005 03:10 PM @ 03:10 PM in Bloggy Stuff // Permalink | TrackBack

That vacation was UNscheduled? Huh.

Posted by: Ogre at August 25, 2005 07:09 AM