Researchers are claiming that felines of the world are carnivorous because, due to a genetic defect, they cannot taste sweet flavors.
Can we get these genetic scientists to work on something like this for people? Cuz being able to turn off my sweets gene with a diet pill would make eating healthy so much easier...
I've trained myself out of massive portion sizes, out of liking pizza, out of most sweet drinks, and even out of high doses of chocolate...
Come on, people! I'm doing my part to be beautiful ... science should do theirs too...
Posted by Princess Cat at August 2, 2005 04:07 PM @ 04:07 PM in SSDD // Permalink | TrackBackI dunno...every cat I've ever had was a fat, lazy beast. I'm not sure you want that...
Posted by: Ogre at August 3, 2005 10:05 AM