July 23, 2005

Hermaphroditic Blog?

Apparently I'm #3 for a google search on "cat with big balls"...Interesting...I'm pretty sure I'm a chick...

But maybe my blog is a hermaphrodite and I didn't know?
Now that'd be a little embarassing... after all this time...

Posted by Princess Cat at July 23, 2005 02:00 PM @ 02:00 PM in Bloggy Stuff // Permalink | TrackBack

How does everyone get suck kooky searches? That one is truly odd.(um if you are a chick now how could you be a cat? Ones a mammal ones a bird ;-) )

Posted by: Rachel Ann at July 23, 2005 05:07 PM

If it'll help, I can check. Do't worry if I'm down there for five or six weeks. I'll be fine.

Posted by: skippystalin at July 24, 2005 12:50 AM