July 17, 2005

That's Blogging?

"Is that what people do with their blogs?" mom asked me this morning. I just laughed...

Before running errands this afternoon I sat giggling at a few of my favorite blogs but their content made mom turn her head sideways rather quizzically. People writing about dreams, classmates, and neighbors just didn't quite appeal to her. Milbloggers don't hold her attention and geeky talk is just over her head. She doesn't understand what a blogmeet is, she's concerned a fellow blogger may kill me (if I meet him/her in real life), and she doesn't understand why people would take the time to write all of this stuff down...

Because we like to, dear mother...because we want to share our thoughts or information, because we saw something super cool, because we want to promote tourism in our neck of the woods, or maybe because we can be free on the internet from the confinement life sometimes offers...

but most of all, it's still because we like to...

But, unconvinced of the satisfaction a blog can bring, she still thinks it's because we have too much time on our hands...

Posted by Princess Cat at July 17, 2005 07:19 PM @ 07:19 PM in Bloggy Stuff // Permalink | TrackBack

Haha, that's funny!

Posted by: Sissy at July 17, 2005 11:11 PM

make sure your Ma, knows I am safe, have never killed anyone....

Posted by: ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 17, 2005 11:34 PM

I can relate to your mom. Three of the four voices in my head can't understand why I blog either.

Hopefully, you kept her away from my place. Yesterday's theme might have creeped her out...

I never have been able to make a good first impression on a woman's mom.

Posted by: skippystain at July 18, 2005 12:19 AM

hilarity, but you know, i don't have any time on my hands...fact is, you make time for what's important in life, eh? my mom doesn't get it either, and she's sure i'm going to die in nola...oh well...

Posted by: shoe at July 18, 2005 08:35 AM