July 03, 2005

Men's Health

In a search for inspiration, otherwise known as a bout of boredom, I picked up the August copy of Men's Healthy magazine off the end table and began reading. Ok...so I was really just looking at the pictures of chiseled men in skimpy clothing...but that's not what this post is about...

In an inset box on page 154 titled "Stop It. Right Now" it lists Blogging at #15. What the hell? Who is this guy to tell me I should stop blogging? According to his 16 point piece, blogging is one of those things that is a waste of time. In fact he says, "Simple: eliminate these activities and streamline your world." Uh...dude...I like my world to include blogging. I don't particularly need to streamline my life so much that I have created a time saving schedule for every exact moment of my day. I'll save time on my errands and bill paying...maybe even my exercise routines...but leave the rest of my life alone, ok?

Clearly this guy just doesn't get blogging...

Posted by Princess Cat at July 3, 2005 01:52 PM @ 01:52 PM in What the Crap? // Permalink | TrackBack

I guess because he writes for a living he thinks blogging is a waste of time - what an elitist asshat!!

Posted by: sayunderpants at July 3, 2005 02:38 PM


well i think you are right that blogging is now the only way that people can know if you are ok without intruding on you whole life i like it cause i can be open and free to express in any way i mother flocking way i see fit to express myself i think if he blogged more or at the least met woemn he might be less inclinced to be up tight .... ok i have to get on a regular rotine to write but this struck a cord
you are a bad cat and i should leave you in the rain but i can't so i have left the kitty door open in my home for you to come in any time
so no drive by tears on my messenger any more I love you call me an tell me how i can help

how is the big guy doing or is that the reason for the message

gonna go be american now and spend money i do not have

at the movies

bye cat

Posted by: nino at July 3, 2005 09:36 PM


well i think you are right that blogging is now the only way that people can know if you are ok without intruding on you whole life i like it cause i can be open and free to express in any way i mother flocking way i see fit to express myself i think if he blogged more or at the least met women he might be less inclinced to be up tight .... ok i have to get on a regular rotine to write but this struck a cord
you are a bad cat and i should leave you in the rain but i can't so i have left the kitty door open in my home for you to come in any time
so no drive by tears on my messenger any more I love you call me an tell me how i can help

how is the big guy doing or is that the reason for the message

gonna go be american now and spend money i do not have

at the movies

bye cat

Posted by: nino at July 3, 2005 09:37 PM

I never do what anybody tells me to do anyway.

Damned If I Know

Posted by: RUSerious at July 3, 2005 11:37 PM

Is it just me, or is someone who uses a blog name while leaving their phone number in a public forum just a little creepy?

Posted by: skippystalin at July 4, 2005 03:22 AM

Nino's not creepy...he's just everyone's friend/big brother.

Posted by: Princess Cat at July 4, 2005 08:13 AM

Men's Health? I still wonder about that magazine. With all the men "featured" in that magazine, it seems to be aimed at "metrosexual" or other "non-manly" men. I mean look, YOU were the one looking at the pictures, not me, Mr. Manly Man. I'm just sayin...

Posted by: Ogre at July 5, 2005 07:49 AM