May 20, 2005

The REAL Princess Cat...

... hello, Swift Kick Minions... Eric from SWG here... the lovely Miss Cat has asked me to handle the reins for a while as she enjoys a holiday...

.. I was wondering what y'all might like to see here... and then, it hit me like a freight train... you guys probably want to know what the REAL Princess is like... right?... well, having met her, I feel I might be able to shed a wee bit of light..

... for instance, while strolling through DC with her, I was truly impressed with her wit and intelligence.... guys, she's a real keeper... but she is also keen on military and political affairs... a very pleasant surprise... as we strolled the Mall, I couldn't help but imagine that when she finally starts commuting around DC, she'd love to have one of these babies... I think it'd suit her personality perfectly... oh, yeah...

Posted by Eric at May 20, 2005 11:45 AM @ 11:45 AM in All About Princess // Permalink