Please allow me to be hateful for a few moments...or however long it takes me to finish writing this post...
Allow me to set the scene...'Lil bro graduates from undergrad in 18 days. The completion of his studies includes two days of fun - a ceremony with the School of Engineering, an all campus commencement, an Engineering School reception, and a reception thrown by my parents. My dad's wife wants to be there for the whole thing...
"Now why is this a problem?" you may be asking yourself... Because she's a bitch. Maybe you're thinking I just didn't give the poor woman a chance...after all, stepfamilies are tough. WRONG! The bitch had her chance and about 15 others after that. It isn't that she is my dad's second wife - I was thrilled to see my parents get divorced. It should have happened 10 years earlier, in fact. She hasn't ever tried to replace my mom, probably because she's the worst parent on the planet...but that's for another day. She took over my dad's life the minute they started dating back in '99. She's had his balls up on a shelf ever since. No offense to anyone from New Jersey but she is your stereotypical gold digging Jersey bitch. Blue collar family with no history of higher education that resents the white collar highly educated family. That should help put things in the right perspective...
My dad married her I guess it’s almost 2 years ago now and I think we've said maybe 2 complete sentences to one another in that time. The night before the wedding I sat in front of the house on the tailgate of my boyfriend's truck crying my eyes out over the situation. He went inside and told my dad he needed to come out and talk to me. My dad came out to find me surrounded by a mountain of tissues, tears promising to continue for a long while. I begged him to tell me why he was marrying her. I got every answer in the book but the one I should have heard. The answer he kept going back to was "we bought a house and we live together, the church says we should be married then." (He started going to church after the divorce). I've always hated that answer and him, in part, for believing it. Once I realized I hadn't heard the one thing I needed to hear, the tears stopped. He never once said he was marrying her because he loved her. When I confronted him his answer was, "well I do." Nice try...
I stood there as part of the wedding party driving a fingernail into my palm to keep from making a scene. During the reception I was asked to give a toast and I didn't make it through one sentence before I burst into tears - and not happy tears... Tears of frustration that something so horrible had just taken place and I was powerless to rectify one ounce of the debacle.
Dad is Mr. Fix-it. She needed fixing. So did her skanked out, loser daughters. A match made in hell as the whore crew sucks money out of his account faster than they do dick off the street.
But back to the scorecard for 'lil bro's grad...
The people who don't like her besides me: ‘lil bro, dad's family (mom & sis), my mom.
The remainder of the people who will be at the reception that she doesn't know: mom's whole side of the family (~12 people).
People she does know & don't hate her: Dad.
Wishful thinking I’m sure... I can’t wait to have a few and tell her how I really feel…
Posted by Princess Cat at May 1, 2005 03:22 PM @ 03:22 PM in All Things Evil // Permalink