April 27, 2005

Outer Space

So...I had an interesting experience this semester in grad school. I got screwed by the administration (as usual) and had to give up on one of the concentrations for my degree (which completely pissed me off) but I've ended up in a pretty interesting situation out of the whole deal. I know, the semester isn't exactly over but with this space research out of the way, it might as well be. I have stressed over this point for hours and hours. Just sitting in class and joking with my classmates, I felt so much better. Getting the presentation out of the way felt a thousand times better. Afterward we said our goodbyes because it was our final class. One of my classmates who has a good 5 yrs in space oriented work experience for notable employers came up after class and complimented me on my presentation. Day one I walked in knowing nothing and didn't try to pretend. She remembered that and commented on how much my presentation proved I had learned and how well I had done. It felt great. To be honest, I'm shocked that I wrote this piece. I didn't know crap about space, let alone military space a few months ago... I've actually learned something ... whoa...
Anyhow, getting screwed on my courses led me to pick up a concentration in science, technology, and public policy that has turned out to be really interesting. I'm not sure how useful it will be in the long run but at least I don't want to shoot myself in the head when I'm sitting in the classes. In fact, I actually look forward to the discussions...
Does this mean I'm growing up? Cuz I'm not really into that whole being an adult thing....

Posted by Princess Cat at April 27, 2005 01:28 AM @ 01:28 AM in Grad School // Permalink